Will The CIA's JFK Assassinated-Related Records Ever Get Released?

Also, does it say something that people will sneak in full disclosure about UFOs into a bill but not for Kennedy?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

The problem is not what we know. It’s how we know what we know. It would require that we reveal the fact that we have created a company that makes box springs but 5% of the springs are microphones and transmitters that can defeat bug finding devices. The company is Russian and was owned by a loyal Russian who was the sole provider of box springs in certain russian buildings.

  1. his descendants would be in danger
  2. we may still be using the same trick.
  3. they may start doing the same thing to us

Don’t you remember that someone fairly recently snuck in language into a bill about UFO disclosure … but no one did for Kennedy assassination disclosure?

So what does that say, well, about them?

I’m sorry if the (based on real life) joke failed, okay? I know if you gotta explain it then it failed.

No worries, I honestly didn’t know what you were talking about. Ima consult the Google machine.

Here is an interesting interview with Oliver Stone about his recent documentary on the Kennedy assassination. Stone is convinced that Kennedy was assassinated because he wanted to end the war in Vietnam, reduce confrontation with the Soviet Union, and promote genuine peace around the world. Kennedy’s stated goal was for something beyond the “rules-based world order” and similar ideas that have dominated US foreign policy for the last 60 years.

Here is what Kennedy said a few months before he was assassinated:

What kind of peace do we seek?
Not a pax americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war.
Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave.
I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living.
The kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children.
Not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women.
Not merely peace in our time but peace in all time.

See video starting at 12:23 for Kennedy’s words.

Here is the transcript of Kennedy’s complete speech.

And there was also this:

“I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind,” President John F. Kennedy.

Given what we know about these agencies today do we really believe they would have allowed that to happen?

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I suspect that the history of the US since WW2 will have to be rewritten once the archives of the security state are opened. Of course it could be another 60 years before that happens.

From what I see, the history of the US since the Kennedy assassination has been one major foreign war after another. It is no accident that Eisenhower warned about dangers of the military-industrial complex when he left office in 1961.

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Unfortunately, Americans have a very short attention span. You can see it right here on this board, for if you warn of an impending event, and it doesn’t happen within the next 20 minutes, you are labeled a “Conspiracy Theorist.”

The vast right wing conspiracy is the only conspiracy many will belive in.

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The intelligence community has “six ways from Sunday to get back at you”.

Does that include assassination?

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I saw this last evening but I didn’t want to bring it up to give the Liberals any ideas.

I can only imagine the response of the American People should such an evil event take place.

The official story was that Oswald, a deranged leftist who had defected to the Soviet Union, was responsible for the Kennedy assassination.

We had a deranged leftist who shot congressman Scalise and tried to assassinate the other Republican members of the congressional baseball team in 2017.

Recently another deranged leftist allegedly attempted to murder a conservative Supreme Court justice.

Did all these people really act alone?

Or did any of them have at least tacit support from elements within the federal government?

In my humble opinion, the school shooters are groomed to commit their evil acts. Others for assigned targets are recruited, trained, equipped and unleashed.

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Yes, it would not surprise me if elements of the federal government were involved in instigating attacks.

As far as the JFK files, Glenn Greenwald has reported that several Republican senators threatened to vote to convict Trump if he had pardoned Assange and Snowden and/or declassified the JFK documents.

Why should the 60-year-old JFK records be of such vital importance?

They were making very clear to him explicitly clear Republican senators like Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio and Mitch McConnell that if you do any of those things that you are considering doing, pardoning Assange and Snowden, declassifying JFK files, declassifying other secrets that should have been declassified long ago because they’re from decades-old treachery on the part of the US government, we will vote to impeach you.
Greenwald: GOP Sens Threatened to Convict Trump If He Pardoned Assange or Snowden

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Explosive allegations/revelations from Tucker Carlson:

  1. A psychiatrist who had worked extensively with the CIA visited the prison cell of Jack Ruby and declared him insane, even though no one else had seen any evidence of insanity. Ruby shot Oswald on national television less that 48 hours after the Kennedy assassination.

  2. Tucker Carlson says he then was able to ask someone who seen the documents withheld by the CIA for comment on CIA involvement in the assassination. This was the response:

If this information is correct, then the entire history of last 60 years needs to be rewritten.

See video for details:

So now anonymous sources are back in vogue?

Can you point to a case where Carlson has cited an anonymous source that has proved to be false?

On the other hand, reports that support the party line from the intel community frequently prove to be bogus, whether anonymous or not. The “50+ former intel officials” and the “17 intelligence agencies” have proven that.

Of course, the CIA could seize the opportunity and release the unredacted documents to prove Carlson wrong. The fact that they are not doing that is a tacit admission that Carlson is right.

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Yep. Manchurian candidates.

They are still in the US president making business. Declassification of the Kennedy assassination papers would reveal sources and methods still in use.

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