Will the Chief Justice even show up?

Well no, impeachment isn’t a criminal proceeding, he could be tried in regular court just like any other private citizen.

Or when a President decides he would rather risk trying to take over than be railroaded to prison on partisan charges in a partisan state.

Liz Cheney said that she will support impeachment.

She is not “left”

Seems like quite a lot of people want the chaos to end.

I disagree.

Letting bygones be bygones is what got us here.

You think impeachment is a way to end the chaos?

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It is a way to start to kill Trumpism.

No, what got us here is four years of trying to remove a duly elected president and failing.

You folks always seem to forget the Political Pendulum always swings back and when it does you won’t like the results.

Your side has spent 20 years trying to criminalize political opposition and refusing to accept the results of elections and now this is the result.

When the pendulum swings back it’s going to be hell.

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I am for rooting out criminality and abuse of power in the government no matter what “side” it is coming from.


Yes I do, but part of it are real accomplishment’s and part of it is also bluster

There is a large part of the party that likes the “stick it to the libs” rhetoric unfortunately that is not a winning long term strategy…never go full AM

I’m for not criminalizing being a member of the opposition party and the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next.

Cool… me too.

We really didn’t get that this time around.

There is no such thing as Trumpism. That’s a liberal invention. Meant to be an insult. Trump won because he shared our views. Immigration, the wall, Taxes, reducing regulations, that kind of thing. Trump didn’t drive our views. He championed them. Hate to break it to you dude. We’re not changing.


And your thoughts on Clintan and her e-mail server then?

Nah there is Trumpism…and you are right he did not drive your views he co-opted them what he demands in return is loyalty…you will get yours and he will get his but Trump is always first

Thats why losing the election stung so bad, he saw the Republican party make gains but he did not win

I accept the findings of many investigations into her.


Nah, your opinion is not important. You are not qualified to make that judgement. You would have to ask Trump supporters their opinion. Sorry. Conservatives don’t accept the labels given to us by libs. Too bad soo sad.

So you believe she broke the law then?

Nah, sorry wrong again but whatever helps you sleep at night :man_shrugging:

There is Trumpism.

A literal cult has risen up around it.

There were a bunch of them at the Capitol last week.

Remember last week?

I accept that there was no intent to break the law.