Will She Be Thrown Under The Bus?

The guy’s a malignant cancer on the presidency. It’s slowly killing the country. He needs to go by impeachment or election. Either one will do.

Trump Mafia – they’re all equally bad.

What’s stopping Barr and Trump from prosecuting? Are they impotent old men?

Not an image I cared to have. :slight_smile:

Need to establish those deep state activist Trump judges. Got it. Just one more hurdle now.

Doesn’t bode well for Chelsea.

Kind of like any number of insurgents that were armed when we were in the middle of the Cold War with the USSR and then we ended up fighting them in Afghanistan?

Somebody aught to tell Democrats that the millions of illegal votes shouldn’t count, but do. lol.

They need the issue, not the resolution.


She needs to be locked up…


I only voted for her because Trump was such an obviously horrible choice.

And since when did she “smash” her hard drive??? LOL!

Trump supporters are so hysterical.

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No she doesn’t.

Trump, your hero on the other hand, is quite the seasoned criminal. Why don’t you want HIM in jail?

When you find any—not the ones cast illegally by republicans mind you—let us know.

No, just judges that don’t release illegal aliens back into communities who kill.

Why do you think Deepstate went after Gen Flynn?

How does that comment have anything to do with Hillary not being in prison?

Judges with morals and values.

I’ll settle for a president with morals.

At this point I’d settle for a President that used spell check.

You don’t post around here much do you. Trump is hardly my hero…and my post was making fun of him.

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