Will AOC agree to two debates with Tina Forte, her Republican Challenger for NY’s 14th Cong. District?

No I didnt. Why would I want to subject myself to two horrible human beings.

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Like I’d willingly turn on Fox and watch those 2 harpies? Don’t worry- this will all be over in 2 weeks.

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Horrible human beings?

So, instead of comparing the differences in policy positions between AOC and Tina Forte, and how they would affect American citizens living in NY’s District 14, you chose to cast a disparaging label upon one and not the other.


Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comfortable with filling our country with millions of other countries poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations, when her constituents in District 14 are suffering the devastating consequences of an open border policy?

Hey John: heard an interview today with AOC. Guess who she didn’t mention? Not even once. :laughing:


Speaking of “harpies”, I see you never addressed THIS POST and explained why you deny the CLAIM there is human smuggling taking place at our southern border.


Why is AOC calling for abolishing ICE and leaving the border unsecured while millions of the worlds poverty-stricken poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations of other countries are flooding into the United States, while we have trouble caring for our own needy citizens?

So in your world, AOC is responsible for all of your perceived problems in local NYC, as well as all national problems? Wow, she is really important.


So, once again you project, deflect and avoid addressing MY POST TO YOU


Why is is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so excited and happy with her Green New Deal, being forced upon her constituents when it will raise the cost of heating their homes to outrageous, and in some cases, unaffordable levels this coming winter?


I do because AOC has handled herself pretty well overall in the public eye and with a site more decorum than Forte. AOC could be a harridan behind closed doors but I am not privy to that. I am privy to Forte on social media shouting obscenities.

IMHO Forte is not being serious with her attempt to oust AOC. Its more about getting her publicity. In the end I did watch her “town hall” and even though she had the full attention of the handful of people that were there she provided bland run of the mill answers with no real specifics.

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So, once again you avoid comparing what each candidate’s position on the issues are.

Because I dont really care. There is no election that I would ever consider to vote for Forte, even if she became lock step with AOC and AOC resigned her seat and endorsed Forte.

She thinks hispanics are leaving the party because of dem fails on dreamer legislation and welfare.

But it’s because they are family oriented, into business and Christian. The trans stuff was the last straw.
Basically, the left wants trans chop shops as common as abortion centers.

No they dont want that.

And it is that very kind of thinking which has turned NYC into a crap hole and lawless war zone. But hey, the nitwit voters in District 14 deserve all the pain, suffering and criminal activities inflicted upon them which is inspired, and even encouraged, by the despots they elect, and reelect. I saw the writing on the wall a long time ago, closed down my businesses and left NYC.

Once again, I am curious if you are in disagreement with Tina Forte’s POSITION ON THE ISSUES which would actually advance the best interests of American Citizens living in NY’s 14th Congressional District. Answering this question does not mean you would vote for her if you had the opportunity.


Why is AOC demanding student loan debt forgiveness which will ultimately be paid for by her blue-collar constituents who were not privileged to attend college like her?

Here is a recent interview with Tina Forte. What do you find so repulsive?

Not allowed to post her greatest hits here, but have a look at her @realtina40 Twitter or her Cameo.

That was fine but look up her cameo and social media videos.

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And? She expresses the same views but uses different language. What’s the big deal?


Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comfortable with filling our country with millions of other countries poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations, when her constituents in District 14 are suffering the devastating consequences of an open border policy?

Well? What’s the big freaken deal?


I never thought I would live to see the day when American Citizens would stand idle and allow the United States to be invaded by millions of foreign nationals without a shot being fired.

She’s a slob.

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