Why you should not evecuate for a hurricane

You are mistaken.

I don’t care why. :sunglasses:

All attention is good attention, right?

That’s serial killer logic.

How do you know I’m not a cereal killa? I tore up a box of Frosted Flakes, just last night.

This is why you evacuate. An entire town almost flattened.

Agreed on everything you said here.

Or it could be another reason to hang out with the journos. They all came through just fine.

Ok, so you recently watched Greenstreet Hooligans. We get it. Now to answer your ■■■■■■■ question, reporters are almost always staying on hotels or other structures that are up to code and rated to survive Cat 5 hurricanes. Any resident who resides in such a structure is probably fine. Anyone who doesn’t absolutely needs to evacuate. So now that at least 2 people have died in this hurricane so far, maybe you can drop your smug, prissy little attitude.

Nice GH reference.

I can’t decide if it’s an obscure movie or not. I mean, you have Elijah Wood and Charlie Hunnam, but it grossed almost nothing.

Right. And those places have all been evacuated. If they are safe for journos, wouldn’t it stand to reason that they are safe for everybody?

Drop my smug, prissy little attitude? That’s what makes me so endearing to you folks. Why would I do that?

How many structures like that do you think exist in the panhandle? Do some research and write a report for the class.

Absolutely underrated. I barely know anyone who’s familiar with it.

Yeah it was recommended to me in 2008 by a girl who was obsessed with the EPL, but otherwise I’ve never met another person who’s seen it or would get the reference.

If you were in one of those places and the journos showed up, why would you leave?

They stay in hotels that are rated to handle Cat 5s you wanker. You’re trolling people over a major hurricane that killed people. Reassess your life decisions.