Why Would Anyone Want to Live In a Democrat Town?

And you are naive if you think he has changed one whit any of the rules that favor Rentier Capitalists or has rooted out any corruption.

The biggest snow job of all time is Trump pretending he’s an all-American populist.

If you’re naive enough to buy that…well that’s a pity.


socially distanced fish? wow…

with today’s schools and everything…

This is the Jeffrey Epstein era Trump?


It’s also not a coincidence that drug related violence spiked with the introduction of crack at the same time the feds absolutely dismantled the Mafia as a national crime syndicate.

I think abut that a lot. In Japan the Yakuza operate openly like legit corporations, they wear pins and carry business cards that identify them as gangsters, but the cops know exactly where they are and the deal is that they keep street violence as near zero as possible. A population of 130 million and murder is so rare that every single murder victim in Japan gets the big news story treatment.

As a realist you should understand we aren’t talking about what was, but about what is. Comparing 250 yr. old events with what is happening in the present says nothing to the veracity of the statement I made.

Great point!

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The example was to show how people react when they perceive an injustice…and how oftentimes they react violently.

And lecturing them that this is not the proper thing to do or suggesting it invalidates the idea that the injustice they are fighting against exists is unlikely to lead to any resolution of the conflict caused by the perceived injustice.

The example of course was also chosen because the cause is one I can guarantee most Americans support (a prelude to the American Revolution) and how people will perceive that the colonists’ use of violence against innocent targets was somehow different than what’s going on today.

No he was being called that when the Justice department took him to court for racial discrimination. However, I know you will say just because he didn’t want to rent to black people does not make him racists, isn’t that right thinkingman :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You mean back when his casino bosses would take all the black employees off the floor anytime him and Ivana would visit? Or was that back when he was wanting to have 5 innocent black men executed for a crime they didn’t commit?

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I lived in the NYC area when that incident went down.

I can’t wait for people who didn’t live there and live through the supercharged atmosphere where there was no way someone wasn’t going to be made to pay for that crime, guilty or not, to come here again and tell me I don’t know what went down.

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It mostly has to do with gun violence. A real problem that needs more discussion between the two sides.


Atty Edwards: “Nothing at all. The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people that I was that I wanted to talk to them, he is the only person who picked up the phone and said ‘Let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want, I’ll tell you what you need to know’, and was very helpful in the information that he gave and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had very good information that checked out and that helped us to take a deposition of him.”
Broze: “And that was in 2009?”
Atty Edwards: “That was in 2009.”

You mean Trump who provided evidence against Epstein?

Yes. Teump had a falling out with his good friend Epstein 2 years earlier

That Trump booted Epstein from his circle when the bad stuff started coming out about him is one of the few times I’ve believed Trump on anything because the evidence lines up.

I can also imagine Trump not wanting to get mixed up in something like that.

Banging hookers and cheating on wives adds to one’s “man cred”.

Pedophilia and sex trafficking is just wrong…even for someone like Trump.


Wasn’t an eight-year-old American killed during an attack that was ordered by President Trump back in 2017?

But there’s also evidence he knew what was going on and only sought to distance himself once he thought Epstein was going to get caught (2 years after being caught with prostitutes)

Yes that perhaps is true as well.

I didn’t say it was wrong enough to him that he’d turn anyone in.

After all, he did wish Ghislaine Maxwell well…

That would be Obama actually.

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Trump actually worked for a living.

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