Why would any country ever sign a deal with the US anymore

We already have a rep for not keeping faith with treaties…just ask the Native Americans.

Bolton was and is the scariest person in this admin. He’s never found a war he didn’t support. I have zero doubt he’s whispering sweet nothings into Trumps ear about bombing Iran.

There is literally nothing that is us in a better spot today with iran than we were Monday. We’re far worst off and have shot any diplomatic credibility we may have.

Iran won’t come back to the table with us now.

I’m sure some future Democrat will help ship off piles of cash to bring about more bad deals.

The deal is not perfect but if it was so bad why did Tillerson,McMaster,Mattis and many others want to stay in?

Face it. To Trump, it’s bad because Obama. I doubt that he has even a rudimentary understanding of this.

If you redefine the purpose of something, you can claim anything you want.

My VCR didn’t do my taxes. Piece of junk.



Thanks for illustrating that you don’t understand even the basics of what the deal was about.

Diplomacy: the art of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

A procedural vote does not mean Congress approved it! It indicates its was blocked in the Senate so Obama did the deal by EO that is the only reason that Trump was able to undo it by EO.

Now with Obamacare that weasel Harry Reid changed the Senate rules to let Obamacare pass with 51 votes rather then the 60 that should have been required & then it was upheld by the idiotic ruling of John Roberts (yeah-yeah I know is an “R”) in the SC so Trump can’t undo that mess with just a signature. But the Iran deal is different and it was done during a different Congressional dynamic and it would not have passed Congress nor been veto proof so Obama did it on his own. Once again that is the only reason Trump was able to get rid of it on his own!

As was pointed out in Reason magazine recently, when you make an agreement with one President that alone does not in fact have force of law and any subsequent President is entirely free to not honor the deal.

So with respect to the OP, what this means is that people shouldn’t make deals which Congress isn’t going to subsequently ratify.

And I’m fine if they made no deals.

As for Obama: he chose to rule from on high as if he had right so I’m fine that the every “accomplishment” that resulted such as this or DACA or the Paris Accords goes bye bye.

In fact, I’d be happy if Congress and the President set about repudiating any number of treaties, especially those that pretend to obligate the federal to perform some function it has no delegated power to perform (treaties are not a lawful substitute for amendments).

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Obama should have tried a treaty. He couldn’t get one because his “deal” sucked. Even dems thought so…

Killing Ghaddfi was much worse than pulling out of a bad “deal” for US integrity. Iran never even signed anything.

The stock market seems to love the deal, or just thinks pulling out is no problem.

Good old Cratic. Defending the right for terrorists to murder civilians.

Huh? That’s what happened to 10’s of thousands during Obama because he bombed Libya and left it to terrorists.

Why didn’t you go fight the terrorists for them?

Almost nothing you wrote here is true.

Congress did pass legislation on the Iran deal, and part of it is that the President has to re-certify it every 6 months. I believe Bob Corker was the driving force on that.

Which legislation was that? It’s my understanding that Congress was supposed to put some teeth into the Iran deal and they refused to. That’s why Trump has backed out of the deal.

What does a nuclear deal have to do with bases in Syria?