Why we still need Trump

These businesses will regulate capacity and can maintain social distances. They’re not packing people into a sanctuary for an hour or two. But if they wanna be like those other businesses then let them start paying taxes, be required to offer the same insurance coverage as everybody else, and be subject to the same employment laws as everybody else.

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Trump isn’t a conservative President.


closest to it we’ve had.


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Until Obamacare, I thought he was fairly reliable conservative, now can’t trust him on anything. Seems like Republican picks are ones going liberal, whenever there are close important decisions, the liberal 4 rarely depart from their liberal votes whereas ones originally thought conservative, jump ship.

Glad you held o to this big secret after 19 years of winless war.

Quick, somebody send Ben to then pentagon! They haven’t been following his plan!

Just to clarify something. The GOP doesn’t need Trump to appoint judges. That’s just who y’all have put your faith in … for some reason. There are plenty of other electable Republicans out there who would do the same thing. But again, y’all chose Trump.

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I’d say by now, you and @conan have very similar histories on this board. He was once seen as a dirty lib too. :wink:

What Roberts did wasn’t “liberal”. He sided with the state over our 1st Amendment.

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If me disliking Trump makes me a dirty Lib…i cAn only say whatever.

No worries, you’ll be a dirty Con again after 2024. :wink:

I’m still a conservative…although I my lean further toward libertarian these days.


LOL the was only briefly. :wink:

I was also considered as one of good conservatives here too. :rofl:


All a matter of which (R )etar(D) is currently in office. :wink:


There is lot to dislike Trump on…specially him personally. But the way he had govern tell us a different story.


Libs are starting to embrace this concept with the Kid Sniffer. Good initiative, poor judgement on their part.

Yep…there can only be one Trump.

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Yeah…i go once again to the turd sandwich giAnt ■■■■■■ concept of voting choice taught to us by the lads on south park. We are at that cross road again. I can stomach Biden just like a few here were able to stomach Trump.

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we tried the others. we got roberts and kennedy

no thanks

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welcome to the club. and guess what… Trump is the closest thing you’ll ever get to either.