Why Trump is Still Leading In the Polls?


Collusion delusion and

biden fall

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Why is Barr the biggest loser? What makes him this giant loser? Disagreeing?

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Barr is not a loser.

Having no spine to stand for something.
Just walking carefully and playing both sides, never asserting him self and commiting to something.

He stood up for something. He stood up against the mueller report. He even asserted himself. Then he disagreed.

This is the exact issue with true “belivism”

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When have I told you what the democrat platform is?
Your blowing in the wind about bush because I was not here and I have said very little about bush. Except that obama liked to try and push he failures on bush. And yes I voted for him twice.
I don’t listen to a lot of what trump says. I spend my time listening to what the others are saying because trump was not my man the first time or the second time and is not this time. If he ends up being the last man standing he will be my last choice. Biden has to go he is a bad president and has been bad for the country.
There is someone out there who is going to be willing to mend the country and rein in the DOJ. Heck I have even listened to what Kennedy is saying.

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Heck you guys believe that the SC installed bush and that russia stole the election from hillary.


If the indictment causes Trump to go down significantly in polls against Biden, then whether you like it or not, it would be time to accept that Biden and his DOJ are not going to allow Trump to win, or even to campaign.
In that case, imo, it would be best to go with DeSantis, however you feel about Trump.

Like trans men (men who are trying to transition into women) telling women what being a woman is like.

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You couldn’t be more wrong…

People support Mr Trump because he speaks to what they want for the country.

I voted for Trump because I wanted a secure border, lower taxes, and less permanent Washington. Other than getting rid of Obamacare he succeeded on delivering on most of what he promised.

Under trump inflation was low…no new wars, he was surprisingly good on foreign policy…we were building a much needed border wall…needless regulations were cut (I don’t remember Trump telling me what to cook with, heat my home with, what car to drive)…we were a net energy exporter…

These are all things I support and would be happy to vote for again…not because trump told me to but because low taxes less regulation more energy production a border wall and standing up to the bullies (the countries who have bought and paid for Biden).

When I voted for a trump I knew I wasn’t voting for a choir boy. My interest is in seeing America succeed. We were far better off as a country than we are now. And it’s nauseating to constantly read the same people who daily regurgitated the lies of Russian collusion now claiming that conservatives are just randomly being told what to think by Mr Trump. It’s the 2023 version of the old boards daily “turn off your AM radio” refrain.

Trump may not be electable…he’ll be facing 3-4 indictments by the first primary…personally I wonder if we don’t have a three tiered justice system…

The tier for the people…the tier for the elites…and the Trump tier.


Maybe he tier for the people…the tier for the elite… and the high-wire for Trump.

The billionaire president of the United States is the elite.

And then they have the nerve to claim we don’t think for ourselves…


Trump is not a member of the Intelligentsia.
Whatever you mean by “elite” is not relevant in today’s political environment. The Intelligentsia is who think of themselves as having a natural right - and responsibility- to tell us common people how to live and what to think. THEY have the power of the “elites”.

Maybe review your home country’s history. There is a move to recreate it here.


And the first to go during the revolution. Always.

This is what’s wrong with populists.

Yes! You are correct. But they have value in creating the revolution. They dont know what awaits them.

We populists will be treated just as severely. It is the few at the top who will thrive.

Yeah. That sure seems like the pinnacle of Mt. Elite.

You and I have a different view of who populists are. Granted… your definition is held by many. But that’s because you see yourself as a member of the Intelligentsia. I see myself as one of the people. And it is “for the people -as decided by the people themselves” that rings my bell. Your side says "for the people - as decided by the Intelligentsia. And you simply see “populist” as a dirty word for some politician who attracts the dirty stupid common man with a class warfare message.

I know what you mean so theres no communication problem. But the leftist side of the peanut gallery here may not know what I mean.

I call myself a constitutional populist. As such, i recognize that even the Intelligentsia have rights. But they will also pay for their misdeeds through the law.

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You and I likely also have a different definition of “intelligentsia”. ( i think we discussed long ago).

Many - maybe most - view the intelligentsia as synonymous with “the intelligent”. I don’t. I use a definition in which the intelligentsia are a subset of “the intelligent”. It’s the subset that believes that by virtue of their enlightened mind that they have a natural right and responsibility to tell everyone else how to live. They believe that THEY know what’s best for us. So THEY even pretend to represent the common man.
In contrast, tere are plenty educated and intelligent people who are not members of this nefarious subset of self-important “intelligentsia”.

I’m sticking to my definition and distinction even if I’m one of the very few who use it.

Actually you do that. We just reiterate what you’ve already said.

Hope that helps!

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