Why Trump is going to win in 2020

Shoulda just stopped right there.

Feel free to show me an example of him asking foreign countries to investigate corruption that don’t involve his political opponents.

I’ll even spot you and tell you Trump has been asked this question, before you go against what the guy you’re defending actually said again.

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Louisiana is not a battleground state. Trump, Romney, McCain and Bush 43 in 2004 all won Louisiana by double digits.

About 70 miles of new border wall has been built since Trump became President. Yesterday, a Federal Judge correctly ruled that Trump’s National Emergency declaration to build more border wall was unlawful. Link

The Unemployment rate was down to 4.7% when Trump became President. There were more created during Obama’s last 32 months than during Trump’s first 32 months.

Obama’s last 32 months - 7.13 million jobs
Trump’s first 32 months – 6.15 million jobs

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When the Meuller investigation began, Trump said he was keen that the investigation discover any illegal activity by anyone who was involved in his campaign, and if there was, discovering it would be a good thing, but he didn’t think they would find anything involving his team. He said this knowing that Muellers team would be asking foreign governments for assistance. So that would be an example.

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Mexico didn’t pay, so he tried to move some money from our military budget. Yesterday, a federal court found that was illegal.

Nothing but more liberal obstruction. I would say that the progress Trump had made on the wall is remarkable considering the Democrats have blocked EVERYTHING he’s tried to do. The wall will be built and Trump will get the credit yet again for defeating Liberals

And Trump was so sincere that Mueller documented twelve instances of obstruction of justice.

51% when they oversampled the liberals by 8%.

Yeah I can’t imagine why that was the result.

You know that Trump’s “progress” is replacing old wall?

False. He documented evidence that could point to obstruction, but was not solid enough to prove obstruction beyond reasonable doubt.

Which party had a majority in the House of Reps during Trump’s first 2 years in office? Similarly which party had a majority in the Senate during Trump’s first 2 years in office?

A quibble. Trump has pursued the truth in these matters with the same degree of sincerity that OJ Simpson showed in finding out who murdered his wife.

Uh. It’s broken down by political party. 48% democrat, 40% republican, 12% other. No “liberal” or “conservative” breakdown. Those distributions are unchanged over the last 3 polls.

There was a majority of globalist sympathisers in both the house and the senate, a number of whom were cleaned out by their voluntarily retiring or losing their re-election bids in 2018, and between them opposed and hindered Trump’s agenda.

Did the Republicans have the majority in both the House of Reps and Senate and could have fully funded Trump’s wall during Trump’s first 2 years in office?

Globalists don’t want a wall, or border security. Both parties have globalist sympathisers opposed to Trump’s nationalist agenda. Your analysis of events based on a left/right political dichotomy is out of date. Both left and right have their globalist factions that are working against nationalists.

Where did I say left or right when I asked about which party had control of the Reps and Senate?

And what’s the actual population?

Glad you asked.

48% Dem or lean Dem
39% Rep or lean Rep
7% Ind
Remainder no response/other

You were definitely around when “unskewing polls” was a thing, bought into it then and were extremely disappointed when math that is just wrong turned out to be wrong.

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