Why Trump is going to win in 2020

G where to start? George bush, any of the trump kids. Didnt Scalia just get a job as the labor secretary? You dont think his dad had anything to do with it. Mitch McConnells wife is the transportation secretary. Betsy DeVos only experience was giving miney to the GOP. Pretty much every politicians kid. ■■■■ I have one in my family. Kept giving him nice mushy jobs he couldn’t hold till they said ok now your a city electrician for 120 grand a year. Didnt know a ■■■■■■■ thing. Tis the world we live in.

There have been many attempts throughout our history to get third parties going, but yes the Republicans and Democrats have gained a stranglehold and neither party is going to do anything to encourage or support competition.

He is building the wall, he has gotten Mexico to put 27,000 troops on the border, which has greatly reduced drugs and illegals from crossing our border, he has gotten NATO members to pay their share of defense, he has gotten tax payers a sizable tax refund, he has gotten two young, Constitutional, pro life nominees on the supreme Court, he has renegotiated new trade deals with Canada and Mexico and China, and gotten better deals for America, just today I heard that China has agreed to more of Trump’s trade demands, he has called out sanctuary City leadership, he has taken a pro life stance, he has built up and properly funded our depleted military, he has provided more healthcare options for veterans who have been limited to VA hospitals, he has cut off money to countries that hate us and have been using US tax money to fund terrorism against us, he had gotten many manufacturing jobs back, brought the unemployment rate to it’s lowest in decades, especially for blacks and Latinos, he got drilling approved in ANWR, he has gotten job killing and massively expensive regulations rolled back and repealed, he got hostages released and bodies held for 70 years returned from North Korea… All these things that Republicans and conservatives have wanted the presidents they voted for to do and never got. In less than three years. His bombastic blustering and narcissistic personality may be seen as negatives, but I think those are the qualities that enabled him to accomplish these things…

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Yes it is, but when you play in the big leagues you better be able to take the heat. Cronyism and favoritism are part of politics, but if you’re going to accuse the President of something and try to bring him down with it, it doesn’t work so well when you get caught doing the same thing.

Hardly the same thing. Asking a foreign power to investigate your opponent is a definite no no

A disgrace

No, he asked a foreign power to look into corruption, which he should. If it wasn’t Joe Biden and his son involved, liberals never would have made a stink. Will Trump benefit? Yup. But on the other hand, should Joe and Hunter Biden get a free pass on corruption? I would think you guys would want to know Joe’s record and character before giving him the nomination.

**[quote=“Munimula1, post:136, topic:214472, full:true”]
A disgrace

You should be very disappointed in what Hillary did then…

Trump is a disgrace to America and the office of the presidency

You make excellent points. Social mores, in terms of behaviour and speech, have declined over the last two decades, but the ant-Trump brigade argue that the President should stay stuck in a time warp and put on the same fake dignified persona as Presidents in earlier decades had to put on for the public in order to get re-elected, because the public at that time had higher standards of etiquette than they do today.
They exult in the profanity that peppers the media nowadays as being “real”, but forbid the president to say in any context “ass” and “s*hole", "bullst”, and “crap”: words that are now common parlance.
As you say, his bull- headed determination and blunt, frank speaking, have moved issues along that politesse has failed for decades to remedy.

Trump articulates at about a ten year old’s level. I was generous when I said a ten year old.

As for fulfilling his promises: when did Mexico pay for the (as yet to be built) wall?

Personally I think that Trump and his associates will bring Trump down.

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Has the wall been built? Was it paid for by Mexico?

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It’s certainly under construction.

After 32 months: hardly a glowing endorsement.and/or achievement. Also, not paid for by Mexico.

You expected it to be done overnight? Perhaps you missed the democrats tying it up in court for 2 years with numerous lawsuits that had to work their way though before most of it could even begin.

We don’t care who pays for it as long as it gets built.

The Republicans had control of the House of Reps and Senate for the first two years. Ample opportunity to fully fund it on the basis that Trump’s claim that Mexico would pay for the wall was not going to be happen.

Yes Nugent wanted to shoot Obama. But he’s cool.

I remember someone explaining Trump’s comments about Mexico paying for the wall, and I think Trump even said that it would be cheaper for Mexico to pay for the wall. I don’t think anyone actually believed that Mexico was going to cut a check for ten billion dollars, but the money Mexico would lose or that Mexico WOULD have to pay in the long run would exceed the cost of a wall.

What is Mexico paying to keep 27,000 troops on the border? How much does Mexico lose by decreased revenue flowing from the US. How much more us Mexico having to pay to deal with the tens of thousands of people that are now stuck in Mexico because they can’t cross over into the US so easily.

For Decades Mexico has encouraged, aided and abetted the flow of illegal immigration into the US across our southern border. They have financially supported caravans and even provided transportation of people across the entire length of Mexico to get them to our border and deposited them in our door step. Mexico refused to do anything to help with OUR problem, that is until Trump said enough is enough. I’m betting Mexico wished by now they had cut a check…

Trump said quite clearly and unambiguously that Mexico would pay for the wall. He didn’t indicate that it would be in cash, EFT or cheque. Assuredly nothing in your post was implied nor stated by Trump as the method that would be used as a means for Mexico to pay for it.

Exactly how much wall has been built? You can use metres, feet, inches, links, chains, yards, furlongs or fathoms in your answer