Why the Senate impeachment Trial will be Short

Why not?

It is not how I would characterize conversation.


But why?

But why what?

I don’t use that descriptor for posting here either.

It is just conversing.


Linsday is a weathervane made of Kleenex. He’ll insist it was Ukraine all along after Donald “persuades” him.

Why wasn’t the call perfect?

This would be so much easier if cons just said - yeah the whole caper was dumb, not appropriate and maybe even rises to the level of censure- but not impeachment. Y’all really don’t want democratic presidents to do this down the road.

But you’ve tied yourself in knots defending the indefensible. It’s not a good look.

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Another trip to the golf course is in order?

Donald gets SO much dealmaking done there. More so than in president in the history of probably ever. Many, many people have said.

He needs to golf everyday! Preferably at his own courses so money (for him) can be made as well.

Odds are it wont be before xmas and maybe the spring. This is gonna go beyond ukraine. By that time Warren biden or Sanders could be out anyways.

The timing of the impeachment trial will be very interesting. It could be right during the opening primaries and maybe last through Super Tuesday on March 3rd. Taking Sanders and Warren off the campaign trail during that time would be a huge blow to their chances. Especially considering that Biden is the odds on favorite to clean up on March 3rd.

I’m guessing that McConnell thinks the trial could be a two-fer- hurts Warren and Sanders while also offering up a plate of anti-Biden witnesses.

Of course it would be. :roll_eyes:

Trump should be additionally impeached for preventing Warren and Sanders from campaigning against him due to his malfeasance. Clearly abuse of office.

Maybe…if they last that long

Typical right-wing nonsense. Trump is a criminal of the highest order, and a Russian agent.

The only circus is in the White House.

It’s only a circus because the GOP is trying to turn it into one as a a distraction.

Between the idiots who stampeded into the “secret Stalin-trial hearings in the basement that no one was allowed to see” to Nunes/Collins/Jordan making total asshats of themselves during the hearings, to people who don’t seem to understand what the word “coup” means trying to paint this as a coup, the GOP is trying to make this as a circus to turn attention away from what’s actually happening.

And I say this as someone who called out Ds for their three-ring circus during the Kavanaugh hearings.

I hope a Senate trial lasts long enough to drive this home. Particularly, I would like Republicans to put on evidence why asking for an investigation was a reasonable thing to do, and that there was probable cause. Too many people who rely on the liberal media believe that this can all be whitewashed by just saying “debunked”,

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It would be even better if the House Dems would just admit this whole impeachment ploy was just an attempt to misuse their power for personal political gain, and put an end to the whole charade.