Why the problem won't end. Ever

That was not the decision in this case and I agree with that decision. There was reasonable fear that he was going to go for that gun with a 50% chance of getting it and using it. No cop should be forced to take that sort of chance.

It’s not about ensuring every cop out there is “good” before hiring them.

What it’s about is, much like with priests, not protecting the bad ones when they reveal themselves.


Seems many people see systemic racism. It doesn’t need to be taught.

Time for cons to start boycotting Target, Netflix, Amazon, Nike (again) and any other company that mentions systemic racism.

Why is it that most cons on this board don’t believe it exists?

Cops don’t have to play by the same rules as we do.

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We are horrified by the video we saw, but as a white man, in the last week my black friends really opened my eyes. They told me that this isn’t new for them. This shocks them, but they see this regularly. Just think how many times these events happen without us knowing. Unless we change the culture of cops to hold each other accountable to the degree of getting management involved, we can’t get rid of the bad ones.


The well has been poisoned. Reasonable people would instinctively understand. The problem is LIB indoctrination.

Can you imagine the charges I would get if Keeled on someones neck while they screamed for help for 8 minutes in broad daylight? This has to be upped to 2nd or 1st degree.

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It won’t be. It would be very difficult to make 1st or 2nd degree murder stick.

Third-degree fits very well, in terms of the elements of the crime - and will be easier to win.

Of course there are different rules. They don’t have to opportunity the head the other way when they see someone who is committing a violent crime. If they hear a woman screaming from down the hall in their apartment complex, they don’t have the privilege of dialing 911 and feeling they have done their duty.

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They deal with the worst of humanity on a day-to-day basis, I would be surprised if they didn’t think that way.

Can you see why 3rd degree only made people angrier? Made it seem like a cover up was in place. I think first degree can be put on the table. How many times does someone need to be told they are killing someone before its premeditated. Like, he sat the on the ground literally saying, “you are killing me, please, I can’t breathe.” Just hearing that made me so mad.

Ah more RW talking points.

This is why one thing we need to do is get cops involved with the community more. If helping to build murals or help fix churches were part of the duty it would do a lot of good in repairing that relationship .

Ok. Now let’s go backwards in the conversation, and examine the context of my comments. This is what we were talking about:

The unions won’t let that happen.

I have already responded to that. I see no need to start repeating prior posts.

One thing that’s needed is more attention to police mental health issues.

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Premeditation would require that the officer planned to kill Floyd before he put his knee on his neck.

Second-degree would require proving that the officer intended to kill Floyd.

Third-degree murder - otherwise known as “depraved heart” murder - doesn’t require the prosecution to prove that he intended to kill Floyd, and it’s still murder.

He’ll still spend the next 10-20 years in jail.

I’m not asking you to respond to it - I’m trying to show you that when I said this:

…I was referring to your response to the above conversation.

You are welcome to click all the link backs, if that will help you understand.

Yes, but can’t you do away with all those technicalities if people are mad enough about it?