Why the problem won't end. Ever

The purpose of police has always been to enforce our laws and maintain peace. The purpose of social workers is to assist people with problems.
The problem is that people who do not want to comply with our laws are very much a potential threat.
I think back to a case a few years back near here where there was outrage because an unarmed person was shot by a policeman. The guy had been stopped for being drunk. The body cam showed to cop asking him to stay where he was but he kept coming towards the policeman. He was warned he would be shot if he didnt stop…he didn’t and he was.
Yes, that cop saw him as a potential threat…because he was thinking about what this person would do if he got close enough to grab his gun and turn it on him.
You have to sort of give consideration for wanting to live through the next hour.

Which is part of the systemic issues that the protest were supposed to be about.

Personally I view that as largely a bunch of BS since myself as well as my siblings all personally know police officers who are fine people. Let’s assume that you are correct, who is in charge of the police? Ultimately it is the mayor. So if indeed there is this pervasive racism in police forces in these communities then why haven’t the Democrat mayor’s done anything about it over the past 30-40 years? Furthermore, Joe Biden has been in political office for the past 50 years, why hasn’t he put forth legislation to fix this so-called police culture?

Also if you want to talk about cultures, what about the gang and drug culture that is part of these inner cities?

Lastly I put out a thread on the statistics regarding crime and police killings. Based on what I have been able to find you cannot conclude that a black person is more likely to be killed by cops. Based on the data I used the ratio was 1 to 1.

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You’d go to prison for murder if you did that, life sentence. Probably serve twenty years.

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Yes. But that can be looked at from two entirely different perspectives, both of which resonate down through every action they take.

Is it their job to protect and serve the population, or to fight the bad guys?

Should the mayor resign for allowing this? What about the chief? Even with their badges covered, cell phone pictures can Identify the officer. Have these progressive cities done anything?

That’s up to each individual. I would imagine the area you police has a lot to do with it. The one good thing about the Floyd case was that all of the cops were fired. That might get some officers to consider their career instead of allowing a fellow officer to do something questionable right in front of them. But we’re not getting much better than that.

All of this is entirely beside the point. It has nothing to do with what I’m talking about.

No question about it. I think most cops like them. It protects them against false charges.

No, it’s not. It doesn’t work like that.

When you’re a rookie cop, you follow your partner’s lead. You learn from the people you work with, and take on their habits and perspective.

That’s what I mean by culture.

Said the same thing about mob payoffs and shooting crooks in the back and the Miranda warning and having to get search warrants and everything else. Never happens.

Policing is one of the most ahistorical professions there is. Young cops don’t care about the old hairbag cops, let alone retired cops. You raise them in a different institutional culture and they act differently.

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Not if there were stand your ground laws you wouldn’t. It would be self defense.
And not standing your ground is just not an option for police.

Do you think these liberal and progressive mayors would lie?

I’ve also heard that the ones without badges are part of national guard so they don’t have a badge number. Though, not entirely sure so take that for what it is. I am not a police officer.

This is not true.

Stand your ground laws only effect the “duty to retreat”. You still can’t claim self-defense unless you can show a reasonable threat of death or great bodily harm.

Self-defense has to be proportional.

Walking towards you does not constitute a imminent threat of death or great bodily harm.

I think its adorable that you keep attempting to throw these weird “gotchas” into the conversation, but this isn’t about partisan politics.

My point has been proven. One bad person can ruin it for 41,000. Therefore the problem will never end.

I really wouldn’t expect you to agree.

No it isn’t. Who do the police ultimately report to?

The problem won’t end because it isn’t 1/41000. You think these communities are dumb or something, they see it daily and we say its a few. Yes the vast majority are good cops, but if good cops sit back and let things happen like they did in MN expect this response because they are part of the problem for not speaking out.

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