Why the problem won't end. Ever

The problem is neither side is wanting to look at the other problems. Yes police culture is bad it should be fixed, I am with the left on that one. At the same when 13% of the population commits 52% of all murders that is a big problem that can’t be glossed over. They are quiet a few cultures imho that need tweaking.

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Putting aside the dog whistle race stuff, you’re missing the point.

Gangbangers and drug dealers don’t work for the government.

Why? They need to show that they trust their officers enough to video tape them doing everything. These videos should only be watched when a complaint is filed or a court order. There is not reason that I can accept for why every police officer shouldn’t have cameras. We don’t want to fire them for what they talk about or anything like that (unless its racist hate language or something) but this is to guarantee that tools are on the table to guarantee a path to justice.

I agree, but why isn’t it? Why aren’t the other cops charged with some sort of misconduct. The people just expect so much more.

I’m not sure I understand your question.

Police have to deal with that as a real problem. Dismissing it as “dog whistle race stuff” means you will never deal with it at all.
Reality still exists.

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Again, are you having trouble following the conversation?

Because it sounds like you’re trying to argue that police should assume black people are threats.

That argument was made inside your head, not elsewhere. What you should have said is maybe the higher incidence of violent crime among blacks in a certain economic group or area might cause cops to be more apprehensive when working in a certain area of town. Should we look into that as a possibility and see how that can be ameliorated if it is true, or just dismiss it as dog whistle stuff?
There could also be some white areas of town where crime is higher that might have the same affect.

If that’s your argument - you should have made it.

It’s certainly not my argument.

That was disrespectful. I never said this.

Only because you want it to sound like this. Cut the crap.

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exhibit “A”

It is adorable that you cut up my post to try and make me look bad.

But anyone can see that I qualified my statement in the first sentence because I was unsure if I understood him correctly.

I have a lot of doubt about that.

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Good post. It’s not just the police culture. It’s the “order and law” culture. Every branch of government is complicit.

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I will say, having lived in NYC for 25 of my first 30 years, and having had many encounters with with the NYPD - they’re not the worst - and probably better than most. Most of my encounters were reasonably pleasant, even when I got locked up.

Then again, I’m also very white.

Whenever a poster says “…it sounds like you are saying…” you can be 100 percent sure that is not what was being said.

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I didn’t make you look bad. You can do this without my help.

I don’t think you were in a position to judge that.

Then again we know exactly how they treat minorities. They all have body cams.