Why the polls are wrong when Americans vote

We don’t care. Just win baby! Nobody asks an appointed federal judge if their president won the popular vote. No deported invader cares if the president won the popular vote. Do you think Baghdadi cared? :blush:

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Democrats are losing their activist judge wing.

I never thought I would see the 9th flipped to a non activist court. Wonderful!

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No he was not. Many of us thought that he was a joke. We realized early on that he was a prophetic liar who made up stuff just to make him look powerful. And it was pretty easy to recognize the narcissistic streak that he had. And his flip-flop from Democrat to Republican began in 2011.

No kidding! Maybe that’s why I didn’t say she was ahead by double digits in all the polls two weeks out… .

I suspect that you are very wrong and so do all the establishment dems other wise they would support him

IMHO This election is sort of unique as for Democrats the main driving factor is to remove Trump from office. Sanders (if he becomes the candidate) is in a unique position. A whole bunch of Democrats might not agree with his positions but will be united in voting for him to rid us of Trump. And if the Democrats turn out in the numbers that they did to elect Obama, Trump will be toast.

They should be asking themselves why they are so gaga about him now that he is a republican.

That’s an assumption that’s likely not to hold up as true. We could easily see a third party candidate or the DNC again trying to screw him out of the nomination at the convention.

The other possibility is a lot of them simply sitting it out or writing someone else in.

Even if Dem’s get record turnout they only makeup about 30% of the electorate.

Unless the candidate can win the independent vote and pull a significant portion of disaffected Republicans they aren’t going to win.

Do you think the neo-conservatives could find themselves a third “independent conservative” who could peel off enough Trump votes to allow the Democrat candidate to win with 34% of the EC votes?

No, I don’t see that as even a remote possibility. If they were going to do something like that they’d have done it in 2016.

A person cannot become President with 34% of the EC votes.

Pollsters were mostly wrong in the 2016 Presidential election mainly because they thought that black turnout was going to be about as high for 2016 as it was for 2012. And there were several rust belt Dem voters from Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan who voted for Obama in 2008 and/or 2012 who ended up voting for Trump in 2016.

Not true at all.

He was a frequent and entertaining guest on Howard Stern.

Trump went to Sterns wedding and was the last guest to leave as told by Stern on the air.

Stern promoted Hillary over Trump and their relationship soured. Clinton was recently a guest on his program (most softball interview ever.)

While Trump was running Stern joked that Trump might offer him an administration post since they were such good friends…Then they weren’t when stern backed the wrong horse.

Trump was all over the media for many decades and was positively received until politics turned a bunch of his former friends into zombies.


Why were they wrong about Biden over Sanders in the D primary?

Looks like a similar pattern of wishful polling to me.

Sanders almost took out Hillary until the DNC tilted the process.

Neither of those has anything to do with minority voter turnout.


Low black turnout was the main reason why Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin. Wisconsin’s voter turnout was lower in 2016 than in 2012.

2012 - 3,068,434
2016 - 2,976,150

Milwaukee County in Wisconsin had much lower voter turnout in 2016 than in 2012.

Milwaukee County:
2012 - 492,576
2016 - 441,053

unless democrats realize Trump is a democrat

I’ve never thought of it but can’t a candidate with the EC with a plurality of the vote or does it require a majority?

Not exactly a surprise, Obama wasn’t running and Hillary was less than inspiring.

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