Why the NRA Gets All of the Hate?

Why everybody hates the NRA?
They’re defending our 2A right against these extremists.

What other organization does that?

The NRA has basically been destroyed as an organization. They’re bankrupt. They were laundering foreign money. Their leaders were living like kings off the membership dues.

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The NRA Lobby is there to maximize the profits of the gun and gun accessories companies.

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The NRA spent like two million in lobbying last year, that’s peanuts. Big pharma spends like 300 million. The NRA isn’t stopping the GOP from backing “common sense” gun laws, Republican voters are.


Our country needs to look in the mirror…“we” are the problem. We have disrespected the institution of marriage. We have not taken care of the children we have brought into this world and guided them into adulthood. We can no longer say as a nation, “in God we trust”. Our schools are introducing things to our children that have no business being in our educational system and sometimes even do so behind the backs of the parents. Since looking in the mirror of life is so hard and recognizing all of the factors that are causing children to turn violent, it’s ez to simply point your finger and say…“they” are the problem.


The New Sensibility.


I couldn’t give less of a damn about the NRA.

They didn’t do anything for my right to keep and carry concealed.


Exactly. The NRA is down with the libs as far as I’m concerned. GOA is light years ahead.


That’s reality.
What’s also reality is the generational conditioning that has been done for decades to advance the victim mentality and absolution of accountability.
“Someone is to blame just not me; it’s them.”


The NRA was stealing your money and partying with it while they laundered cash for foreigners lol.

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I use to be a member of the NRA years ago. My issue with them was that they always had their hand out wanting more money. Endless mail, endless calls. If I wanted endless calls asking for money, I’d just “forget” to pay a bill or two. The net effect would have been the same.

And every time I blocked one number, they’d call from another. They were leeches.

We shouldn’t be saying as a nation in god we trust. However there is something to be said for idle hands and all that so you have somewhat of a good point

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I got out at the beginning of the Wayne La Pierre era after being a member for years and it turned out I got out at just the right time to not have my dues spent on private planes and champagne parties.


We were warned, many years ago about the problem, by Rober H. Bork .



let us not forget during the coming election what the Authoritarian Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families, our children and our homeland.


Hey look John posted the book that lays out the entire Federalist Society agenda in all its glory: repeal Roe, Griswold, Miranda warnings, admissible evidence at the state level, the right to counsel even if you can’t afford it and return music, movies and television to a “product” instead of artistic expression so the government can censor it.

This book is the reasons that Federalists judges lie like the sniveling cowards they are when asked and pretend they aren’t for this stuff. Because Bork laid out the whole game plan.


Thanks buddy. Nothing lays out how crypto-fascist the goals of the Federalist Society actually are than Slouching Towards Gomorrah. Love that book.

Now, how about substantiating your accusations?


Our authoritarian revolutionaries, who now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

BLM could only wish they could take as much money, for as long, as the NRA did from doughie eyed Republicans

Whataboutism fail

sounds like BLM