Why the NRA Gets All of the Hate?


Property photo shows the luxurious seven-bedroom, 6,500-square foot $6million Los Angeles mansion reportedly purchased with Black Lives Matter donations

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that’s from her book sales!

lol yes some actually believe that.

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Haven’t you read the book? I did and it says that stuff plain as day. Hell, I own it.

OK, now, how about substantiating your accusations?

If you’d actually read the book, you’d know that I am just repeating what Bork said in the book practically word for word. Did you not actually read it?

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You made a number of of accusations, so, how about substantiating your accusations? Eh?


Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And that is why control freaks detest federalism . . . it is an obstacle to controlling and subjugating the people completely.

Now post the picture of the mansion the NRA bought.

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Collectivists hate opposing collectives.


You are welcome.

Now see:

Inside the Luxe Texas Mansion the NRA Nearly Bought for CEO Wayne LaPierre

" . . . the LaPierre deal never materialized and the grand estate is still on the market—albeit at the reduced price of $4.75 million."

Why do you post fake news?


I didn’t post fake news. @Smyrna asked for a photo of the mansion in question. I posted it.

That it wasn’t bought is on me sure. I will freely admit when i am wrong.

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So as it turns our your didn’t “post the picture of the mansion the NRA bought.”

Like I said

FAKE NEWS posted by you.


You didn’t read my post you skimmed it. Otherwise you’d notice where i said i was wrong.

Take the time. It’s only an additional sentence.

I did read your post and I agree, you admitted to posting fake news.


I’ll never understand the need to be right but only through your choice of words. This is a constant with you.

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I admitted i was wrong yet that wasn’t enough. You wanted to be right in your choice of words - “like i said”. It’s not hard.

Seems to me you didn’t read my post you skimmed it. Otherwise, you’d realize I was agreeing with you.

Let’s be fair here, BLM is mediocre trash when it comes to grifting their cattle.

I mean look at them, all exposed in no time flat. What a bunch of dumbass noobs. :rofl: