Why straight pride event are stupid

What a very strange humblebrag.


The proposed straight pride parade is well needed. The wrong messages are being promoted to our youth. Being a heterosexual…in a loving marriage is a rock solid choice in an individual’s search for long lasting happiness and should be promoted by all of us.

Why don’t we just promote people being happy and free?

Given how flimsy and unimportant the tradition of hetero marriage is right now…as evidenced by our sitting president and some of his most ardent supporters…why not just celebrate the freedom of people to engage in happy relationships with others?

Where, outside of the current President, is that not being promoted?

This is an event that is being put on by alt right trolls for the express purpose of trolling.

They are welcome to do what they want and pursue the permits to do so… but that does not make them immune from being called out on what they are doing isn’t really above board.

It is my goal to fix problems, not to exacerbate them…but…“we” each must live with our choices.

Look around…plus…open your eyes.

So the usual moral panic without any real evidence to back it up.


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I guess we should all be thankful that loving, long lasting marriages are what the Republican Party looks for in it’s leaders.


No he doesn’t.

You need to stop making it personal as a means of deflecting away from the actual outcomes of the Russian law.

You’re trying to cast the Russian law as an innocuous little thing that just “protects kids” as opposed to something that discriminates against LGTBQ.

People are telling you what the law has ACTUALLY RESULTED IN.

So when they do this…you deflect.

Let’s try something new. Just say what you want to say and don’t worry about how society…or even the mods… will judge you.

The gay pride parades are events put on by alt left trolls for the express purpose of trolling. Anyone with even one eyes can see that. You can’t even post all pictures here because many are obscene.

If the advice from libs is “dont watch”, then that should be the same advice to those who are offended by straight pride events.

Or we just tell them to be faithful to whoever they fall in love with.

Or we do what I would do and not promote or endorse anything. Take the state completely out of affairs it has no business in.

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It wasn’t the point, but an ancillary benefit is you embarrassing yourself again with posts like this. :laughing:

A very strange definition of trolling.

Someone being gay is a problem?

There seems to be confusion here as to what aberrant means. Since a dictionary seems to be so hard for some, I provided an example of the word’s use to illustrate it simply means… not in the norm.

But of course, you find ot offends some delicate part of your psyche. Sorry.

My advice is just the opposite. Watching the gay pride parade should be mandatory.

Perhaps when you see our gay brothers and sisters feeling completely comfortable, surrounded by people who love them and accept them, when you see them liberated from fear of discrimination, if even for just one afternoon (which for many participants, is the sad reality of their American lives), perhaps you will think differently about them as humans, and about your own views of homosexuality.

That’s the royal you.

Some communities will pick NAMBLA others will pick the Catholic Church… oh… wait.

So you want to force it upon us… even children?

No one should be forced to attend or watch anything they don’t want to.

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You don’t advocate for criminalizing homosexuality, you refuse to say how we should protect the children of heterosexers from gay indoctrination (even though you want to see state/local authorities involved in the process)…yet you constantly run down homosexuals, gay men in particular. Curious.