Why straight pride event are stupid

Do you accept it as normal?

Oh Lordy… another who is confused about Tu quoque LoL…:rofl:

Referencing a comparable event for the purpose of assessing the intellectual honesty and hypocrisy of a party is not a tu quoque logical fallacy. It is only when that reference is used to assert the truth or falseness of a statement that a tu quoque logical fallacy is made.

You people really thought you learned something the first time someone said “tu quoque”. You thought that you could pass the observation of your hypocrisy off to a “tu quoque fallacy” thereby freeing you to be hypocritical. Hahahahahaha… but instead, those who try to use such tricks simply show themselves ignorant of what a logical fallacy is AND they show themselves to be proud hypocrites at the same time.

Lordy lordy. :slight_smile: clsssic.

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To your mind what would and what would not be allowed under the law so that the State could effectively protect children?

I would have to poll the parents of the children to answer that…

You would leave this up to the parents? Too many diverse opinions out there.

What do you see as a good scenario to protect the children of heterosexers from gay indoctrination?

No, today is Sunday. They never did discriminate or even ask.

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The Russian law was made to support the families of children. Any law like that in another country would likewise be legitimate if it reflects the mores of traditional families of that country.

Or actually - in my opinion… the mores of traditional families of specific state and local areas. The federal government should stay out of it and allow states and locals to decide.

Okay, so this is a good start. So you are against the federal government stepping into to protect the children of heterosexers from gay indoctrination/propaganda, but are in favor of state/local authorities doing so.

What do you imagine that protection would look like in an ideal situation? What will and will not be regulated by the state/local authorities, and what do you see as the ideal punishments for failing to abide by these local morality laws?

Anyone who has to attend a < whatever > pride event to feel good about themselves has mental issues. Best to stay away from crowds of weirdos.


If it wasn’t for marching by my ancestors, I probably would not be where I am today. And neither would my wife.

If a group of people who have been discriminated against, want to march to show their unity, then so be it. They don’t have mental issues.

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If you’re having a hard time understanding my English, I said pride events.

Anyone else want to take a stab at this? It’s obviously a complex issue.

If you are in favor of the government (be it federal, state, or municipal) enforcing a specific morality code on the populace in relation to homosexuality, what do you see as the ideal in terms of what will and will not be allowed in order to protect children from gay indoctrination?

  1. Should government prevent media from depicting gay relationships in the same way they do straight relationships? (i.e. as something normal)
  2. Should there be a separate set of public behavior codes for gays that straights are not subject to? For example, would you outlaw gay couples holding hands or kissing in public where children might see?
  3. Should gay couples not be allowed to live next door to straight families for fear of the children getting the idea that their life is as normal as any straight couple’s?

Further, if you are in favor of government regulation of gay behavior in public/the positive depiction of gay relationships in media, what should the penalty be for these crimes - fines, censorship, imprisonment?

No I read what you wrote just fine… have Pride marches shows unity. The unity required to fight against discrimination. They don’t have mental illnesses.

Sure thing, buddy. :+1:

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They aren’t being discriminated against.

Gay pride started as a protest March

Tell that two the two woman in the OP

Protests are all fine and dandy. Going to a pride event just to be proud is a mental issue of insecurity.

It’s actually not.

Lesbian women have the lowest risk of disease transmission. Does that mean that being a gay male is bad, but being a gay woman is fine?