Why now? more texts

I’m about to open a patreon account and start accepting donations.

https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download by the dates of the report i’d say horowitz had them for about a year. We’ve already seen the results of horowitz’s investigation into this.

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james a wolfe when leaking was illegal



so, if the texts were in the report, you probably know which page to reference the information was at least 2 months old…

which page were they on?

what context were they presented in, just what cummings says

I’m going to need you to start paying me. you want my venmo or my paypal?

I just expect that you can document your assertions, you know trust but verify like Reagan

Ok, I trust that you can do a weeeee bit of your own research. The pace of your questions seems more like a guy who gets his kicks from being some sort of slow walking contrarian. Lemme ask you a question in hopes that it will skip a few steps. This is a test, the answer is easy to find on FoxNews right now.

Who gave Meadows the “new” texts?

No…it’s not.

It’s like you can’t read.

Super easy to answer btw.

The problem is, once it’s answered, the whole premise of the thread goes “poof”

cant find an article on it I read 4, so who did it.

the reason I asked you for references is that you made absolute statements. I expect that you can back them up with specific evidence.

I was hoping you could but so far not.

or you cant, obviously you cannot provide context either.

Very disappointing.

The answer is the IG

A source told Fox News that the messages were part of a newly released batch of Strzok-Page communications from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, uncovered as part of his investigation into the start of the FBI’s Russia investigation.

The texts aren’t new. Horowitz had them for his investigation, which we already know the results of. Months ago.

I’m not interested in another spin on this merry-go-round, good luck out there.

This entire post is incoherent. Please try again.

Yea I meant Meadow not Horowitz sorry, I was trying to say Meadows was trying to push a narrative to brain dead and it worked as we can see by it in this thread.

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Now I’m picking up what you’re putting down.

Remember what Horowitz said about scope and other investigations.

Remember that you’ve posted this twice.

A source told Fox News that the messages were part of a newly released batch of Strzok-Page communications from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, uncovered as part of his investigation into the start of the FBI’s Russia investigation.

this is from your article, it says they were new. do you have something that says they were old?