Why not witnesses?

Brilliant analysis.

Why not Joe and Hunter Biden? Why not Schiff? Why not the whistle blower?
The truth of what Biden did will set him free. The truth that Hunter knows about what his Dad did or didn’t do will set him free. The whistle blower standing in front of the public for all of us to see who his is and if he was a partisan on a mission to remove Trump at all costs will set him free. And Schiff standing in front of the senate and telling the truth of if he had meetings with the whistle blower and talked to him will set him free.
Why not let all these people who started this clown show testify.
Because the question is did Trump have a reason for looking into the Biden’s. And did Schiff and the whistle blower lie in order to try and hurt Trump in the up coming election. I
would say a majority of democrats know deep down that Joe, Hunter, the whistle blower and Schiff are crooked and liars. But no way in hell are democrats going to admit it and give one to the “Trump supporters”.
There can be no other reason for their saying we don’t need to hear from these people. That they have no information on what Trump did or did not do. They are the reason we are where we are now. And the truth of what they did needs to be out in the open for all to see. There is a reason Schiff railroaded all this through the house and shut the GOP out and we all need to know why.
If this is one of the most important votes a senator will take than we need to know the whole truth not just what the left thinks will help them win in November.

And in the end if the courts ruled in favor of the Dems, Trump would have claimed executive privilege, then back to the courts again.

Ok , you get your circus and they call the bidens. Have there been any investigations except for the Giuliani one? What questions will they ask and how can they tell if they’re lying when there is no hard evidence such as testimonies or anything else to go off of? They will be throwing ■■■■ against a wall that wont stick. What can be gained?

Honestly these witnesses will not help your case. They will actually make it even more plain what Trump did. Your best strategy is to admit it and say that its not enough to rise to impeachment and conviction. But that ship has sailed. Y’all took the wrong strategy.

I take it you don’t believe that we should know the truth of why several US citizens were left to be killed in Benghazi.
It is attitudes like this that will keep the truth hidden forever. Because to this day we still don’t know the whole truth of what was going on in Benghazi.

It was investigated for years. What else are you waiting for. They used it to rule you up and left it in the dust cause it went no wheres.

Oi- we have been so inculcated with conspiracy theories that for some of us, its impossible to parse out truth from fiction anymore. Examining Benghazi to see how we can avoid that tragedy again is a good idea. Trying to pin it on the Secretary of State…was a supremely bad idea. 8 investigations later, that conspiracy theory went nowhere…yet it still holds a place in the fevered minds of a few.

Why do you care about Benghazi?

Bring Bolton up as well as the Bidens and let the fireworks fly. It would be a good grand finale after three years of investigations and impeachment. Meanwhile a very good chance Biden will come out not looking so clean after the clown show and it will be Trump/Sanders 2020 which is looking more likely each day that passes.


Any election that involves Trump is a clown show. Glad you agree.

Just like the dems have been throwing crap against the wall for over three years. But for you that is different because you hate the GOP and know in your heart of heart that there has to be some way to bring Trump down or he is going to win re election.
And don’t say no we did not because we watched what you all did where Bush was elected twice. You tried your hardest to change the election results. This is just the same. You all did not like who was elected so there must be some way to change the results. And if you cant there has to some way to make sure that a dem gets elected in Nov.
The dem clown show has been going on for too long. It’s time for all the truth to come out. What are you afraid of?
What happens after they get Bolton in front of them and what he has to say is not what they wanted to hear what will the dems do next? I can tell you now. They will move on to the next guy they hope will give them what they want.

I don’t really care.

It went no where because they never got all the evidence from Obama. He stone walled and refused to turn over what was asked for. Be proud you all covered up the dems dirty deeds and got away with it.

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That would have been determined when the court ruled if the subpeona was valid.

I seriously doubt McConnell will push for the Bidens to come as witnesses. Its bad politics.

Should not call witnesses because:

  1. What Bolton (supposedly) wrote doesn’t matter because the charges are constitutionally inappropriate

  2. Dems seem to be pushing for civil war (civil unrest as a minimum) with their behavior over past couple years - that’s bad for all of us, especially Dems for being the instigators.

  3. When Trump is re-elected Dems will be swamped in house and senate elections.

  4. CNN, MSNDC et al only have so many slots available for lib pundits

  5. When certain FBI, NSC, CIA etc criminals are prosecuted, libs will be “on their own” and unable to succeed at anything given that it will be so much harder for them to cheat.

  6. There just might be a hell …

Trump could not be approved as a substitute teacher at my school. That is my testimony. You can call me as a witness.

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Civil war really?

Which will make it crystal clear that they know that trump has something to hide and they are helping him hide things.