Why not witnesses?

I seriously doubt McConnell will push for the Bidens to come as witnesses. Its bad politics.

Should not call witnesses because:

  1. What Bolton (supposedly) wrote doesn’t matter because the charges are constitutionally inappropriate

  2. Dems seem to be pushing for civil war (civil unrest as a minimum) with their behavior over past couple years - that’s bad for all of us, especially Dems for being the instigators.

  3. When Trump is re-elected Dems will be swamped in house and senate elections.

  4. CNN, MSNDC et al only have so many slots available for lib pundits

  5. When certain FBI, NSC, CIA etc criminals are prosecuted, libs will be “on their own” and unable to succeed at anything given that it will be so much harder for them to cheat.

  6. There just might be a hell …

Trump could not be approved as a substitute teacher at my school. That is my testimony. You can call me as a witness.

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Civil war really?

Which will make it crystal clear that they know that trump has something to hide and they are helping him hide things.

So when trump was elected and he had a republican house and senate who was stonewalling the benghazi subpoenas? Was obama still? Why did the investigations stop? Cause it was crap.

He’s a clown :clown_face: I have said it many times. Big hope 2020 Trump/Sanders or fascism vs communism as some have claimed.

I’m also wondering why the Senate hasn’t been strenuously investigating Joe Biden and Hunter when they had the reins of both houses of Congress. In fact, why aren’t they investigating now? It was an extremely obvious case of corruption right?

It will be hilarious. I second it.

I predict tonite’s rally to be a humdinger.

I’m all in! Bring the dogcatcher and the guy who looked at Trump mean that one time. Bring in Jim Acosta and the entire CNN news team!

The ranting tonight will be epic!

They’re gonna need Giuliani because he headed the investigation. And bring in half the russian mob. What could go wrong

With all those witnesses this thing could go on to 2022. Rudy has a lot he needs to explain.

My mother was a communist. Also an orthopedic surgeon, an early proponent for vaccination, a consultant to West Point, and a distinguished alumnus from her undergraduate college.

I know you don’t want to know the truth of what was going on.
The people killed were not important to you.
You give the dems a pass because they can do no wrong. Keep you head in the sand.
And I will go with what I have been told by people serving at the time. And if what they say was going on is true. Obama should have been impeached.

With all these late sessions they’re gonna need a fleet of babysitters to keep him sober.

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You have no answers to why trump didnt get to the bottom of this all. C’mon get your search engine humming

Just as I don’t blame GWB for 9/11, I don’t blame Hillary for the tragic deaths of those 4 men at Benghazi. Thats the fair and correct non-partisan thing to say.

Benghazi was used as a prop to win the 2016 election. It may have helped. Ever wonder why it was dropped like a hot potato the day that Trump won?

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Why don’t you care to learn the truth of why US citizens were left to die is more important?
And it is very telling because the left have no trouble at all dragging dead bodies through the streets when ever there is a shooting.