Why Joe Biden for the Democratic candidate?

You do realize that this is a political message board, right?

Yes I am aware that it is a political forum.

Dude like get out of our heads, man.

We wanted someone who could help us get rid of the idiot who has the job. Obviously we made the right choice.

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Set up a centralized buyer and distribution system for scarce resources instead of having States compete against the Federal government thus driving up the price and increasing scarcity even more.

That would have been a help.

He has his surrogates doing it for him.
I watched a little of Sean’s show last night with Mark Levin.
Hoo boy. A heavy dose of Democrats ushering in full blown Socialism/Marxism.

There is still plenty of time for that

Trump didn’t even need to think that one up: it was what the governors of both sides were telling him.

Has you seen the Trojan Horse ad that looks like it was made on Homestarrunner?

Designate the CDC the lead agency and set up a centralized database for just in time delivery to hotspots?

I did.

It looks like Carpe Donktum is running the digital side now or something stupid like that.

Much as I hate to say it, since 2017 I’ve been saying an old white guy was the only way to go for a Democratic candidate. Tough to gin up the othering.

So why do you seem surprised that people are starting Biden threads?

I am not.

Then someone is posting here posing as you.

No I posted it. It is not incompatible with my other post.


He wasn’t literally “surprised”.

Biden will get over 60 million people voting for him.


That’s a lot of sheep.

A plethora.

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