Why isn't the private sector capable of saving itself?

It’s historical resistance becoming support. No deep state needed

The financial sector is now part of the Deep State?

The 2008 financial crisis was the government’s fault too. Makes sense to have bailouts, stimulus and $1.3trillion deficits back then too.

Did you think there were no benefits for workers who were laid off?

(CNN)In a historic expansion of unemployment insurance, the federal government would give jobless workers an extra $600 a week on top of their state benefits for four months as part of the $2 trillion stimulus bill the Senate passed unanimously late Wednesday night.

“It has unemployment insurance on steroids,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday of the package. “But, and most importantly, the federal government will pay your salary, your full salary for now four months.”

So…are you wondering why these workers didn’t prepare to be laid off in case there was a pandemic?

Of course it did

Nope. Just wondering why the companies they work for can’t figure it out themselves without government cheese.

That too. They should have saved their money instead of buying TVs so that people who DID prepare wouldn’t need to pay for them to sit on their asses.

lol yeah not same.

your narrative is dead

rah rah rah

btw as a child growing up my family relied on free cheese a lot until we got back on our feet

why do you keep sarcastically disparaging “govt cheese?”

dont you want people to get help?

I didn’t need government handouts growing up. I worked hard.

no it is not

you’re welcome

Why Yes I think it has

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Excellent news. I hope it keeps gaining. The last thing anyone wants is to return to Obama-era levels in the stock market.

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When the financial sector blew up the global econonmy in 2008, government was necessary mechanism to create a response and are facing a similar situation today.

The notion that government has no role does not gibe with the facts. Markets have great creative energy but they clearly are ineffective in dealing with a set of shared issues in society. Michael Sandel’s “The Moral Limits of Markets” might help you think this through.

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That arguement doesn’t carry the weight you think it does. 18,000 was unprecedented in 2016, it’s not in 2020

What argument? No one wants to go back.

This has nothing to do with socialism, unless you live by the knee jerk response that all government action outside of safety and law enforcement is socialism.

You keep using in the context that the stock market numbers were bad under Obama. They weren’t

That’s just your imagination running wild. I said no one wants to go back to Obama-era stock market numbers.