Why isn't Slow Joe paying his fair share?

Wages are what’s paid to employees.

Yes. This is very true. Biden likely created an LLC or some form of coorporation. Speaking fees and book deal are not paid to biden directly but to the LLC. This is NOTHING NEW.

i’m betting the opposite. that there is nothing there to pursue.

Well that makes him a tax dodging dog in my book. Remember…they’re all the same. Get elected make crap loads of money being elected… and then dodge taxes.

The life of the American Politician…they all suck.

I’ll agree this is likely the situation.

But do you agree this is also likely the situation for many of “the rich” who he complains don’t pay their fair share?


It is if your man is doing it.

They do. One party is held accountable and the other is not. That sucks too.


Hmmm. So now it’s just one party doing it? I’m going to guess it’s gop that’s the bad party.

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Neither are held accountable. They all get away with it. Who are you kidding.

They make the laws that they then use to avoid paying them. I’d Biden is doing it then it pisses me of as much as Trump doing it.

Yes. With rare exception. Which party is constantly being investigated and which is constantly given a pass? I don’t actually expect an honest reply to this. I’m prepared.

Give me your best examples over the past 4 years.

Is that illegal?

Seems to me since corporate taxes are lower than many personal income tax brackets this is a way to pay less in taxes.

Are you proposing changing the tax code to make these maneuvers impossible?

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Last time I checked, you were only allowed to pass through 20%.

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That’s the guy who’s taxes you need to worry about, the guy who has his tax returns from the last 20 years published and online.

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Hilarious this thread while they totally defended a guy who kept his taxes hidden and leaks showed the multi-millionaire paid no taxes for some years.

If Biden did something illegal, he should be punished.


Here ya go, righties. LMK when you find something illegal.

Forgot how nice it was to have a president who wasn’t continually under audit and that was the “reason” he couldn’t release his taxes. Which was a stupid obvious lie the IRS publicly stated as false.

Didn’t care because, the people tasked with finding broken tax laws did have access to them.

So you wouldn’t care if they disclosed Russia or SA as a source of income?

Not particularly, no.

You don’t see that as a conflict of interest for the POTUS?