Why is Trump is Soft against the Saudis?

I would think the left would applaud this after all it is the birthplace of Islam, but you won’t hear that in the media.

Actually no. He also seems to care what the world’s despot personally think of him

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Because he’s not a stupid reactionary willing to put thousands of Americans out of work, endanger tens of thousands more working in the ME and upset the entire strategic balance of the region over something that is none of our damned business.

Saudis killed a Saudi citizen in their own consulate on foreign soil.

Trump has taken the same exact position on Saudi Human Rights Violations that Obama held for eight years.

Where’s your outrage over the worst human rights violator of all, China?

So? they’re both wrong.

A good majority of Trump supporters believed we had every right to take or at least control Iraqi oil as payment for getting rid of Sadam or something like that.

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So you the non-interventionist are claiming that in order to keep from being dependent upon Saudi oil, we ought to have continued our interventionist policies in Iraq?

Not according to anyone with a basic understanding of what’s at stake.

As long as oil is traded on the international market and OPEC can dictate the price we have little or no choice but to do all we can to keep the region as stable as possible.

Do do otherwise puts every industrialized nation on the planet at sever risk.

You have absolutely no basis for such a statement, no basis in fact that is.

Come on now, Sean use to discuss this on his radio show.

Sean is one person and the subject hasn’t even come up since Trump began running for POTUS.

Quite a bit.


Trump brought it up multiple times during his campaign.

Give us some examples. Trump running off at the mouth has nothing to do with what he claimed.

A good majority of Trump supporters believed we had every right to take or at least control Iraqi oil as payment for getting rid of Sadam or something like that.

As well he should. Who cares what our allies think about him. As CinC, he needs to play the despots like fiddles.

Absolutely hilarious you’re asking me to back up my statement.

Just hilarious.

Isn’t it? lol

Because as usual you can’t.

Can I make the same assumption when other posters do the exact same thing? Just curious for future reference.