Why is Russia and China making more aggressive moves now that Biden is president than when Trump was in office?

Whose logic?

Here’s the political reality, had this happened when Trump was president I have NO doubt everyone on the Left here and every other political forum would be blaming Trump. Do you deny that? And you all would be providing logical reasons why.

Why would it have been more logical for him to attempt this when Trump was President?

Tell me…if he felt Trump was useful to him…why would he do anything that might threaten Trump’s re-election?

But instead maybe he would do things like prepare and test his capabilities and solidify his position around Ukraine while Trump was President? And maybe take Ukraine towards the end of Trump’s second term…like he did in Georgia near the end of Bush’s second term.

Like he…kind of did.

See my post above.



…and neither did the Russian collusion, illusion, delusional Brandonites. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


I never stated anywhere why Putin is doing this now, nonetheless this is a political forum and the reality is that Biden owns this now, especially in regards to such comments as this:

Wouldn’t you agree?


Except he did none of these things, and those things he did do did not degrade our short-term production capabilities and thus would have made zero difference.

And the fact that Russia is essentially a giant gas station ought to mean Republicans ought to drop their resistance to diversifying our energy sources (and likewise Dems…and Germany in Europe…need to drop their resistance to nuclear) and realize it’s in our best long term strategic interests to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

There ought to be a comprehensive short-, medium- and long-term energy strategy that neither side has had the political will to do because it’s hard to come up with an empty slogan like “drill baby drill” to sell people on what we really should do.

So much tone deafness.

Seemingly proud of it too.

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Let’s start with #1

Within hours of taking his oath of office, Joe Biden, the 46th president of the United States, had signed over a dozen executive orders, among
them one canceling the permit for the Keystone XL oil and gas pipeline.

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Actually thinking about a problem instead of spinning it for political advantage often sounds like tone deafness. I understand that.

How much oil was flowing through the Keystone XL pipeline when he did that? Can you refresh my memory?

Also refresh my memory as to where that oil was headed.

Take your time if you don’t recall the answers to these questions off the top of your head.

The question is, did it affect the current prices at the pump and the answer is yes.

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Ah, change of tune!



No it did not.

Oil prices are impacted on facts on the ground NOW, not months or years from now.

That’s not really true.

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Everything is now Ukraine’s fault. It’s no longer the Kung Flu’s fault. :rofl:


When did we start importing gasoline from The Ukraine, yesterday?


CBS can (maybe?) answer that one for us. :rofl: