Why is President Trump not a treasonous traitor?

Yeah but did you vote for someone who maybe could have won and prevented this? Not trying to bust your b’s, you know I love you man. I just want to make sure everyone really gives this a thought.

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I remember the day you responded to me and others on the other board that you would never support and defend this traitor but here you are.

I pointed out what an obvious train wreck this was from minute one of his candidacy.

I pointed it out to the liberals and conservatives who said, “Oh what’s the harm? He’s funny!”

I pointed it out to the liberals who wanted him to win the primary (I remember who all y’all are too)

I pointed it out to the conservatives who were only willing to criticize him when they thought Hillary was a lock.

I pointed it out to the conservatives who pretended they were Never Trumpers but voted for him anyway and bent the knee after he won.

I pointed it out to the conservatives who after he won were too cowardly to even admit they supported him while defending him constantly. Which admittedly is not technically illegal.

■■■■■ at least I can respect people who unambiguously supported him from the jump.

So spare me. Welcome to the wrong side of history. Enjoy your ■■■■■■■ stay.


Putin bet on a penny stock and got lucky.

Of course, he’ll try again.


As always, I voted for the person I felt most closely aligned with my political beliefs.

With that said, I have the luxury of knowing my one principled vote is quite irrelevant in a Presidential election, not being in a swing state. I’m fully cognizant of this reality, and understand that it is very easy for me to say, “Ha! Principles!!” :wink:

Put me in MI, OH, WI, VA, PA, FL, etc., and it very well could have been a different scenario.

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No, what you said was that you would only vote against him if the Democrats ran a conservative. Meaning you’re gonna vote for him no matter what.

You weren’t too ■■■■■■■ embarrassed to admit you supported Trump for more than a year because you’re proud of yourself.

I’ve got to be honest - I voted 3rd party in 2016 at the presidential level. Prior to that, I had voted Republican in every primary, runoff, and general since 1990 when I was first eligible to vote.

After this morning though, I am seriously considering doing something I would have never considered before today. Neither of my senators are up for election, but there is a fairly conservative democrat running for my district. I am seriously considering voting blue this time around as a way to potentially hold Trump accountable.


I completely understand. And if given the chance, I very well may do the same. My dilemma is a little different though. I have Claire McCaskill up for reelection, and the man likely running against her, Josh Hawley, seems like a really stellar representative for our state, whereas McCaskill is very liberal and promotes so much that I disagree with.

I am so torn on what to do. Maybe this is where the rubber needs to meet the road for me as well though. I have not voted for a Democrat outside of very local offices in my entire life. Not a single one for Congress or the Presidency.


I asked him who he thought would be an acceptable conservative Democrat, and he pulled a blank.

I personally thought Webb sounded pretty conservative in the first primary debate.

Pragmatism, brother. We need a check on this knucklehead. Watch how your local Republicans respond to what happened today…

No, I said Democrats should try running a conservative if they want my vote. And I am still not ashamed of voting for him, he is a transient problem that congress can rectify if they chose to do so. We’d be stuck with a liberal SCOTUS for a generation or more. So I don’t really give a crap if he gets impeached, I am not invested in him personally. I hope they do find enough on him to turn congressional republicans and republican voters against him to make it happen. So win, win, either way it goes. And I could care less what liberals think about any of that, I make my own voting decisions and will continue to do so.

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That would be a tough choice. I might vote differently if I was in different circumstances like that. In the end, you strike me as the type of guy who will make an informed vote after thinking through everything. But, I know it will be a difficult process.

Which Dem would you consider voting for?

Not many of them left these days, I could have gone for Evan Bayh.

Whoa, easy. That’s the kind of question that could give a guy a facial tic.

Thank you for answering.

B[quote=“zantax, post:77, topic:7407”]
Not many of them left these days, I could have gone for Evan Bayh.

So no one then. So you’ll be voting for Trump regardless.

Donald Trump.

So no one then. So you’ll be voting for Trump regardless.

Hopefully it won’t come to that. But if it does, so be it.

I didn’t turn “not technically illegal” into the hilarious catchphrase it is today on this forum because you were covering yourself in glory, pal.