Why is it the fake news and some Democrats are tring to sell us garbage?

Because I am a fully aware, functioning, healthy life. In the very few cases in which third trimester abortions take place, it is almost always because the life developing inside of the woman is no longer viable. Or do you think women are lining up with joy to carry a fetus for 7-9 months and then just randomly abort it for no reason?

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Are you referring to alternative facts or actual facts?

I’m telling you Trump is the biggest source of fake news.

He even hurt himself even more because he added more lies on top of his other lies and is being referred to the DOJ for criminal investigation again! Seriously you can’t make this stuff up! :roll_eyes: Lets see if we finally have an AG who will actually do their job!

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Trump has been in office a little over two years and has publicly lied nearly 10,000 times. Perhaps you should be less worried about a few mistakes from the media that are usually later corrected and more concerned with a President and an administration that have so little respect for their supporters that they believe they can get away with this.

Even if you despise liberalism, basic self respect should be enough to anger anyone about being lied to day after day after day.

:woman_shrugging: Doesn’t seem to bother liberal sycophants who worship at the alter of Democrats!

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If you could show me some evidence of President Obama telling an average of 10+ lies a day to the American people throughout his time in office I would be more than happy to engage in your both sides nonsense. Hell, any prominent Democratic politician for that matter.

You won’t find one.

For folks like you, yes. CEC, Trump… they spread fake news too. You spout it. You believe it.

How would you feel if a complete stranger on the internet, knowing absolutely nothing about you or the medical situation you were in, went around implying you were a murderer because you had to make a tragic and terrible decision very late into a pregnancy?

Yea but he said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor that one time. That was worse.

All hail Trump - Master and ruler

He’s not pushing the childish new green deal, that would be the fake news.

The “hands up don’t shoot” pushed by fake news and some Democrats was the lie that helped divide America. Even the Russian collusion lie divided this country, is this the kind of journalism you support?

Don’t forget the first one cost people their lives.

He weaponized the media against the American people through his Administration.

Are Hillary’s crimes fake to you?

Have several Americans been shot by police while posing no real threat, even with their backs turned? Yes.

Did elements of the Trump campaign coordinate and encourage illegal Russian activity that helped to influence the 2016 election? Yes.

These aren’t even debatable issues.

Of the stupid people who believed the Russian collusion lie.

You are worried about lower level members of the Obama administration having spouses or family members in the media when Trump literally hired a former Fox News executive to run his communications department?

So Mueller’s report is out? I assume you have an advanced copy?

Can you share with everyone what Mueller’s report has laid out?

They’re lies manufactured by the Deepstate traitors.