Why is it so difficult for Muslims to assimilate?

How many gays have been stoned to death in the USA? Just a number, please.

Intolerance of gays, and resisting equal rights of women is not just a Muslim problem. That said, it will take a coordinated effort to ensure immigrants understand what they are taking on in emigrating to the west, and host nations had best be prepared to fully integrate them rather than allow them to languish in marginalized enclaves. That breeds resentment, and resentment foments radicalism. Europe is dealing with this now.

One more time for the people in the back.

US Muslims are more accepting of homosexuality than Evangelicals [1]. Muslims are more proud to be American than the general US public [2].

  1. American Muslims' political and social views | Pew Research Center
  2. https://www.pewforum.org/2017/07/26/identity-assimilation-and-community/

Then problem is that when you continually raise issues with brown people that are not limited to brown people …what conclusion do you think should be drawn?

Tell me what conclusion am I supposed to draw when the President concludes a US territory full of US citizens is “taking things from America”? Implying those citizens are not, in fact, US citizens? And then those people just by happenstance are brown people?

Tell us why the pattern we are seeing is not in fact a pattern?

You realize that I was pro gay marriage before Obama or Hillary was, right?

Get your facts straight before judging me. Fair enough?

Isn’t it nice for you the old boards don’t exist anymore?

Somehow your to activism for gay rights has slipped under the radar. Can’t imagine how that happened…


Not one single gay person has been “stoned to death” by a Muslim American… why are you making things up?

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Really… now majority Muslim countries are the only ones with oppressive governments?

Are you guys just really tired this morning? This isn’t even fun…

I never said they did. We don’t live in an Islamic culture as millions of Muslims would like. Stoning is illegal here. You would prefer to not know about atrocities around the world committed in the name of Islam? Out of sight out of mind? Ignorant bliss?

Now I have a question for you. Why can Islamic countries oppress women and gays and the U.N. is afraid to call them out? They are obsessed with condemning all things Israel, yet all things Islam get a pass. Any idea?

You lie. You speak with forked tongue. If I made a single thing up, please post the quote.

BTW. If gays are being tortured and murdered in other counties, it’s okay to be outraged. I swear, I have no clue why liberal groupthink does not allow for compassion for gays overseas. It’s mind boggling.

I have an answer for you: you’re completely wrong.


Why do you keep ignoring my post that shows US Muslims assimilate quite well in our country? That they are in fact more supportive of homosexuality than US Evangelicals?

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Are you saying that the Muslims that have been here in this country since we became a country never assimilated?

Not at all surprising, actually.

Stay on topic. This is a thread about American Muslims.

Why haven’t American Christians assimilated to Roe v. Wade, after all, it is the law of the land, and has been since 1973.

Why haven’t some southerners assimilated to what happened in April of 1865?

That happened 154 years ago?


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Christians have committed genocide in other countries, what does that have to do with America? The same that some terrible law in a small Muslim country does… nothing.

You are losing it.

Let me know when the U.N. brings this up for debate on the floor for debate or sanctions oppressive regimes will you? Then we will know they are serious.

As for your second point. Because its not a competition. I am opposed to oppression of women and gays no matter where it comes from. I am free to do so. You are not permitted to see all sides as I am. Liberal group think does not permit liberals to say anything critical of Islam. When the sins of Islam are brought up, deflection is made. I use this thread as proof of that.

There will always be some pockets of different cultures that don’t assimilate well into the prevailing culture but my experience as a former teacher who had a fair share of muslim students that in the town that I taught in they assimilated very well and good number of them were amongst my favorite students.

Sometimes it would just be nice if die hard Trumpists would admit they want to just do away with Islam in America.


Maybe…when you rewrite a post into a post that isn’t what was posted, then answer your own post…yeah…what fun is that?