Why is it mostly Democrat Towns have riots?

No…it is…no matter how much you don’t want it to be.

…but…let’s do it mathematically? The probability is 50/50 as our basis between being a Republican or Democrat Mayor? Now…let’s do it? There’s 11 mayors in a row that are Democrat and the probability of that is… .5 times .5 times .5 times .5 times .5 times .5 times .5 times .5 times .5 times .5 times .5 times .5 = 0.00048828. IOW there’s a 99.951172% chance I’m right and YOU…are full of blankety-blank. :tumbler_glass: :sunglasses:

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well that’s just stark denial

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…and you’re being kind. :tumbler_glass: :sunglasses:


So there no other factors at work, who the mayor is is the only thing that matters.

i try. but if i felt strongly against a position i would offer more for my case apart from a foot stomping “no it’s not!” denial

but should we expect any more?

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Let me debate this wall instead. It’s understands math better. :tumbler_glass: :sunglasses:

here is a mayor of one those burning anarchy democrat cities. notice the class:

i hope this doesnt get me in trouble. it is a racist lunatic leftist saying things…


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I think that’s partially true, but if you see a riot beginning & stop it right then, it doesn’t get out of hand. No response emboldens the rioters. There was attempts to riot in NYC while Rudy Giuliani was in office & were met with swift reaction & arrests. Didn’t go far.


You mean durg addicted/drug pushing fathers stripping themselves from their children.

Non users / non pushers didn’t get swept up by the war on drugs.

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Now I know what the guy in trancers felt like.

I am comforted I fit so nicely into your stereotype of a liberal. Soft hand. Weak parent.

I could recite the stereotypes of conservatives: bigoted, ignorant, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and apply them to you, but that would be a horrible wrong. Because that stereotype, like all stereotypes, is wrong.

I urge you to abandon such stereotypes of liberals. They are inaccurate and unhelpful.

Simple, just about every major city in the US is controlled by democrats.


How much, in numbers, abuse is there. My guess is you don’t have any idea.

Also whites don’t care when someone they don’t know is killed by a cop.

Oh I don’t know, looks like there’s a lot of whiteys in these riots.

those whiteys are thugs and are just as bad.

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Look like college age kids. Probably antifa types.

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I think they are in for a rude awakening this time out, the guy in the white house doesn’t have their backs this time. I see FBI interviews in their near future.

Oops. I started a parallel thread. I did not notice you had one going already. I’ll ask for a merge.