Why is everyone insane?

All four of them? No, I don’t think so.

Why not?

All I can say is, watch the interview.

It’s not a possibility? Four people cannot be mistaken?

I don’t think mass hallucination where everyone sees the same thing, is an actual thing.

Oh, I don’t doubt they saw something, but not necessarily something that is beyond our ken.

Could be, but their wait is futile … We ain’t never gunna have one world government. :wink:

I did.

I still ask the question.

I’m still waiting for the flying car that I was promised that I would have in 20-40 years … back in 1960. :wink:

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I want the one that folds into a briefcase (and somehow reduces mass so I can lift it as well!)

They probably had lead in their gas. lol

You don’t have to wait much longer.

A vacation on the moon would suck. There’s nothing to do.

Orbital resorts and gaming casinos? Now we’re talking.

I bet we eventually will, but you and I will be long gone.

Could be the Borg. In which case resistance would be futile.


That’s what they said 40 years ago. :wink:

Only after some despot conquers the world.

… and I doubt if the Federation will be willing to deal them in. :neutral_face:

Excellent point. :wink:

The Borg don’t get here for another 42 years…


We my all be dead by then except for a few bedraggled survivors living in the woods. The Borg probably won’t bother with them. :wink: