Why is Bob Mueller milking it? I think I know

Maybe He has everything he needs and we will start hearing about it in the next couple of weeks. No one know outside of his team. Why position yourself for ridicule when you have zero idea what the truth is?

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Your comments are based on pure speculation and assumption. But I don’t think it will be long before we hear one way or the other. And you didn’t answer my question.

You dont know anything

Its trumpism

Of course. Because Trump already said that nothing happened. And he is just always so honest.

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Actually I hope this is true. It’s not fair to the American people to have this drag on indefinitely.

You mean it’s not “fair” to you as a Trump supporter

Why do you do this to yourself?

I’m willing to give it as much time as we gave Benghazi. How about you?

Or heck, how about the IC when Clinton was in office…

Whiff. That’s not what I mean at all. If you want to know, you must ask politely. With sugar on top and I will explain in a way that you can grasp. I hope.

It’s not dragging on. So far it’s a third as long as watergate, with more indictments.

You started this thread. Are you saying that it’s nothing but a troll thread? Why would you admit that?

Wrong. Zero indictments for Russia collusion not a single one.

All of my threads are troll threads.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Truer words have never been spoken.

I’m holding out for money laundering. How bout you?

Of course it is. You dont even know what the purpose of the special counsel is

Are we talking about the Clinton foundation now? Yes absolutely. Money laundering is a no brainer.

You say that like “Russian collusion” was the sole purpose of the investigation