Why is a higher minimum wage bad but tariffs are good?

Most often is a little vague. It can be but there needs to be proof. There isn’t any.

No they don’t. And you can’t prove that.

Teach the middle and lower classes to save every penny they’re making from the three jobs they’re working to get by!

Seriously though, I’m lower-middle class, mid-30s, and just bought my first home last fall. I couldn’t have afforded this 5-10 years ago. I’m not even married nor do I have kids. I can’t imagine the stress on people living in my income bracket trying to raise a family and live the “American Dream.”

Corporations and CEOs don’t even know what to do with all the record profits they’ve been raking in for years now (well, they do-more yachts, and more political influence). Clinging to the false premise that “high taxes and overregulation” are preventing companies from paying more is absurd.

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Correlation points to causation far more than it doesn’t. Probably in the neighborhood of 90%+ depending on the topic.

Wow-the butthurt is strong with you already this morning. Youch.

I can refer you to anger management professionals in Texas. They can help you.

Or maybe a good Christ-centered pastor?

They were but cons here said no more raises and will cut your tax to zero.

What does that have to do with you? It’s their money.

Especially when you WANT there to be causation.

But give us some more Sneaky wisdom for the day! Because you know all! And don’t even need to provide proof!

Lol wealth has been trickling up for like 75 years

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When they’re breaking the backs of the common man to get it, and not compensating the common man fairly, it does concern me, the common man.

But we get it-we see where your loyalties lie.

Now please, go make some limp-wristed criticism of Trump so you can pretend you don’t support him!

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That’s easy!

Pay rates should be set by employers. If an employee does not believe that he is being compensated enough for his work, then he is free to look elsewhere. If an employees needs more money, he should work to acquire the skills that employers need. Simply demanding a living wage while providing very little in return is a bad plan. Most companies pay higher than the minimum wage anyway. If some one is working for minimum wage, they can always quit and take a job a McDonalds. I’m not completely sold on tariffs. But we have huge trade deficits that need to be addressed.

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You just mocked science. Science hater.

The sun has risen every day since the 70s. That means the sun rising has caused wage problems!

There’s some SneakyScience for the day!

Your back is broken? I bet you’re making the most money you’ve ever made in your life right now.

That’s not correlation ignorant person. Correlation would be if wage problems occurred every day when the sun rose. Or even if we had a new wage problem every day.

What does Trump have to do with this?

Sure if there is a direct connection between the alleged cause and the alleged effect. There first needs to be a connecting thread between wave stagnation and rising minimum wage

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Sure it is. It’s science.

But neither is the impact of the min wage on “real wages.” No proof has been provided. But of course, you don’t need proof of anything because you are you.

Thanks for proving my point-the simply act of things happening together over time doesn’t prove they’re connected

So glad you’re finally coming around. Very sciencey of you.

I can’t believe this has to be explained to Mr. Science who is so sciencey, his very existence proves the things he says because science.

I was simply providing you an alternative activity you seem to enjoy-supporting big business over the common man!

You’ve lost your mind.