Why is a higher minimum wage bad but tariffs are good?

You actually believe that.

:joy: even you don’t believe that.

There is no more to cut that is taking it to zero for a minimum wage earner.

Why do you care about national debt?

Why should I care more just make way more than minimum wage?

So they already aren’t contributing and you want to force business owners to give them more? At what hourly rate on a 40 hour week do they start paying taxes?

Just the kind of slick bitch I am.

Is the cost of living the same country-wide?

I didnt read anything there about the workers’ responsibility.
Does he have to know how to do something of value? Does he have to get to work on time?

It’s not a matter of belief. Its a matter of math.

Try history.

Of course it’s relevant to you. When the same government that gives massive breaks to the wealthiest and corporations suddenly can’t seem to find money to pay for basic services that most workers rely on, who gets left holding the bag?

Tax cuts in general or for the rich. I’ve never heard liberals complain about tax cuts for the poor/middle class. Trickle down doesnt work.

I guarantee people will start talking only about federal income tax if this conversation goes any further.

This is an overly narrow way to look at taxes. Total tax burden is still mostly progressive but levels off at high incomes.

I’d favor attempts to make the total tax burden more linearly progressive over incomes with reduction of tax burden on the lowest quintile and increases on the highest quintiles.

I like these graphs the best to encapsulate total tax burdens across incomes.


So then would you agree to raising rates so if people saved money it would collect?

Yeah, that’s a weird, unsubstantiated assertion with literally no proof.

That too.

When middle and lower class wages were higher, government safety net spending was lower.

This is not rocket science.

It really wasn’t. Just talking points with no proof. But you love those.

You rely too much.

Yet the claim is trickle up does?

You found a data point that supports that list of fairy tales?

Correlation isn’t causation.

Trump has made you an idiot. Get away from me.

It can be and most often is.