Why I know the Vaccine Does Not Work!

More a matter of trust.

We need to trust being around each other and letting mask wearing be up to each person and trust honesty in vaccine disclosure.

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This is absolute nothing. There’s nothing here.

It is amazing surgeons survive all that mask time. They must be super heroes.

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Except, as I never tire of pointing out, this is like the tenth different reason you’ve given for masks bad and you’ve been saying it since the second week of the outbreak soooooo

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Horse feathers. I don’t like it and don’t know anybody who does. Has nothing to do with Trump.

What a stupid post


Nobody likes them. But Donald Trump told you guys to oppose masks and lockdowns and like everything he said, you submitted and obeyed.

I know, I know, you guys all coincidentally just happened to come to the same conclusion as Trump at the same time and use the same language to describe it.


I couldn’t care less. They chose that.

I am choosing not to mask. It’s my life. Do you have a problem with that?


E pluribus unum

Made up drivel. I’ve been wearing a mask since March 16th 2020. Before Fauci flipped.

I have to wear a mask all day long at work.

Human beings use their faces for all kinds of expressions. Wearing a face diaper goes against human nature.

Take the mythology down the road.


Oppose mandates maybe. And I do. They don’t work.


From many, one.

We really don’t need many more. Crowded countries are miserable countries. 500 million people would be horrific.

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Republicans have been, quite effectively, fracturing the trust We the People have in our government systems. For political reasons. So when a pandemic hits, and the government is the only real way to battle it…we have this lack of trust, due to Republicans. And those scary 9 words.

It is ■■■■■■■ stupid. But is sounds so rebel like…it must be cool!

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Credit, where credit is due…that is a new one.

out of many , one

which kind of sounds like a collective.
And that was our unofficial motto, from the founders.
It is still on most of our currency.


Glad you agree.

Wearing pants goes against human nature.


During this pandemic, I have learned how little to trust. I’ve mentioned a few incidences on the forum in the past. Mothers wanting a play date for their child and keeping quiet about a “cough”. Things like that.

Frankly, the intersection of anti-maskers with anti-Covid-Vaxxers is pretty large, so you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t trust they will be honest about their vaccination status as they parade about without a mask.


Making it partisan is the wrong approach.

We will get there soon.

Going to take some kind nudges.

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Sorry, cannot crank the clock back 40 years of republicans screaming, not only can the government, not do anything right it, is the problem. That has been drilled into the heads of most cons/pubs. It is what they live by.

Those 9 words would be printed on our currency if many had their way.

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