Why Donald Trump will win 2020

Well, I never said THAT. Of course its about the candidate, sort of. But even then, some people are so stuck with their party that they will vote for Satan if their party nominates Satan. And frankly… …oh, well, nevermind.

So it is very much about the sale and the technology if people will vote for a rotten candidate just to say they did not vote for the other party. Finding those handful of last minute deciders using technology and swaying them can change the game.

I mean, two words: Bernie Sanders. A crazed, mean, old Communist socialist who is out of his freaking mind. He is insane. But many will no doubt vote for him due to Trump Derangement syndrome. In THAT scenario its NOT about the candidate.

And that leads me to my final reason why Trump will win, in my next post…

You can beat the diamond and silk post? Cmon

If the record for 100 meter dash is 10.49 seconds, and you run 10.48 seconds and I run 10.47 seconds, who holds the record?

Okay. I covered Trump’s great awesome accomplishments in the OP, then different models showing he will win, and then the insane money he is bringing in, which certainly helps. Now I have one for you that you did not expect but its real. Ready?

Bernie Sanders.

Bernie right now has the momentum among the Dems. The Bernie brigades are still very angry at how the rigged Democrat Primary system (yes, rigged, by superdelegates) stole the nomination from him and gave it to Crooked Hillary. Yes, very angry. He really did get screwed too I believe.

So, one of two things will happen this time around: Bernie will win or he will get shafted again.

If he gets shafted again, the Sanders groupies will have a cow, and will stay home. There is no way they will give their vote to the party that screwed their guy twice. Trump will win.

OR: Sanders will win the nomination, and Trump will destroy that freakshow. Up until now the fake news media has kept a lid on just how much of a insane extremist communist this imbecile Sanders really is. But when he and his polices and his stupidities and his cabal of Commies gets under the Big Top Spotlight, center stage, in a national election, the GOP will destroy him so badly that he’ll wish he had never been born. They will crush him. Trump will win.

So, honored members and fellow Americans, Trump will win by his own hand and he will be assisted by the socialists. Do not doubt me friends. So when it happens, don’t cry, don’t whine, don’t blame Russians… …just remember your good friend: Me.

I concur.


Bottom line: The dems have no chance at winning 2020.

However, none of us need to be complacent about this.

We need to take the House back as well. We need to rid both the House and Senate of RHINO’s.

We need to send a STRONG and HARD message to the left that their agenda is rejected.

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I don’t see why he can’t win he’s obviously his own worse enemy but it looks like he is going to face either Biden or Sanders both of which have been beaten by Hillary (Who Trump Beat). Biden in his presidential run in 2008 and Sanders in 2016.

Unless the economy goes to hell then all bets are off right now I would say 52/48 over Biden and 55/45 over Sanders. It will come down like always to a handful of states I give Trump the bigger edge over Sanders as Sanders as the nominee guarantees all of the south including NC to Trump then he would need to keep either Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania.

Who knows Virginia might even be in play if Sanders wins.

That was me in 2016. Always voted R. Until 2016. Trump or Clinton?

Voted Johnson. But it truly was a last minute decision. But it was the only one I could make.

Well, I hope my methodical layout in this thread changes your mind.

Bidens not even the official candidate but he beats trump in Pennsylvania by 10, Ohio by 6, Wisconsin, by a few in Arizona. I would say might be a problem. Plus theres almost no way gop takes the house

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Remember when they took the House in 1994? First time in 60 years. Never say never.


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Nope…but I’s do’s appreciates your Efforts Ms. TrumpGurls. Lol…there is no way I’d change my mind now.

No president will ever do as good as he has done, so if you can’t vote for him you might as well give up voting, unless God runs some day.

Typical. I won’t vote for Trump, so I shouldn’t vote at all, ever.

■■■■ George washington

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If you think you are a conservative, then, yes, thats right. Trump has delivered on what all previous conservatives promised and then broke their promises. Trump put action in the RINO’s words. Thats why he is beloved at his rallies.


Oh? How would that happen? The GOP would certainly vote to extend it. So that must mean Democrats would be blocking it right? And you think they should blame the GOP if democrats block them from extending it? Why would they do that?

Read Parscale’s stats from yesterday’s rally:


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For one thing, the Republicans are unlikely to hold both houses of Congress in that time frame. Add to that the possibility of a Democratic Presidency and the Republicans will change their tune.

Remember: when Democrats are in charge all we here from R’s is “The deficit is out of control, can’t do anything unless we address that.”

When R’s in charge the tune changes to “Must cut taxes (on the rich) to make good things happen” All that happens is the rich get richer and the deficit goes up.

Cue the Republican melody for when the Democrats are in charge. Remember when all we heard was “We are turning into Greece.” Funny how Greece morphed into “the best economy of all time”