Why does the FBI slow walk investigations they don't like?

Oh no. Be polite. Then I might consider your request. Ain’t no way I’m responding to that Jack.

There is no reason to believe the FBI has HB’s laptop.

Was it Bosnia where she came under “sniper fire”? :rofl:

Yes! For the first time in U.S. history the Captain of Air Force One landed his jet in a hot L.Z. He dropped off the first lady while under fire as she ran for cover. Quite an amazing tale of courage. Worthy of at least a Bronze star.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

They are obviously not politically neutral. The only two government agencies (That I am aware of) that swing Republican are the military and the local police. The rest are in bed with progressives in growing the government bigger, while taxing the hell out of us for their paychecks.


He is the tip of the iceberg that got exposed so that you could see it…along with Comey, McCabe and so many others that were fired.

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Literally not a single one of those rehashed article has fbi confirming that they have the laptop

They may.

Please. Take a look at your articles and their sources. Filled with crap like this: about the existence of the alleged Hunter Biden laptop; however, former Fox News reporter Adam Housley suggests

and bureau is now in possession of the computer allegedly containing emails that could purportedly implicate Joe Biden

I remember you now…you swallowed the Russian collusion narrative for 3 years and it displays your level of expertise when attempting to discern through all the troughs feeding their agendas. That’s ok. I told you way back then what turned out to be the truth. Is this true, I can’t say for sure but I’m definitely leaning that way. There’s enough evidence that has been proven showing Hunter to have a gnarly character that definitely leads to this conclusion.

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Hunter lives rent free in some peoples minds.

Republicans had 4 years to do something about Hunter… yet nothing but drip, drip, drip.:rofl:

Maybe…just maybe FBI should look into SS and medicare fraud.

Just saying. :wink:

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So in your estimation, there was nothing in all of the evidence that came out in the Mueller and subsequent investigations to cause any concern, it was all a big hoax ginned up by Democrats?

And that the allegations against Hunter Biden are legit?

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A bipartisan Senate report found there was Russian collusion with the Trump the Trump campaign.

What’s the connection between HB’s “gnarly character” and the FBI having his laptop?

Sen. former Gov Rick Scott hopes that doesn’t happen.

All wishful thinking.

The Mueller report was a bunch of politically left leaning lib lawyers whose sole purpose was to find anything they could that could then be used to remove Trump from office and they failed…after a year of investigating and spending millions and millions of dollars. That’s what I got…how about you?

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I guess that is one way to hand wave away uncomfortable reality.

They also found hundreds of contacts that every single member or the Trump campaign lied about, 7 Trump campaign execs and staffers found guilty about lying about all kinds of things, and we know the Trump campaign chair gave polling and voter data to a known Russian asset in
their micro targeting of American voters.

That’s a small sample of what was found between the extensive contact between Trump and his circle and Russian assets.

That is hand waved away because you don’t want to deal with that reality, in favor of something you wish was actually true but can not be credibly verified.

So now name the lawyers on the team that were registered Rs? That alone proves how lopsided this whole thing was.

You can state what ever you want but Mueller himself provided NOTHING credible in which to prosecute Trump for wrong doing. The law isn’t based on your opinion, it’s based on credible evidence and NONE was provided in which to prosecute him…period.