As someone who strongly believes in logic, facts and common sense I can completely understand the rationale behind things like universal healthcare, unionization, marginal tax rates, etc., etc, and do acknowledge that there is legitimate debate on the merits of such things. What I can’t for the life of me understand why people would support something that has no basis in logic or science, can cause tremendous harm (specifically to children), and whose damage is irreversible?
Those on the Left love to argue that so-called gender is purely a social construct, or one cannot define a man or a woman, or that there is no connection between the concepts man and woman to male and female. Well, that is until some male says that he is a woman, or some female claims she is a man. Once that happens then all of a sudden like magic the terms man and woman suddenly have real and definable meaning!
Let’s take the Will (AKA Lia) Thomas example. So, this dude Will Thomas, who being a mediocre male swimmer becomes depressed as a result of that mediocrity, suddenly has an epiphany one day and claims that he is actually a woman! Those on the Left who had been arguing that gender is purely a social construct, or that one cannot define a man or a woman, or that there is no connection between the concepts man and woman to male and female, now unequivocally affirm that Will Thomas is indeed a woman! Where exactly is the logic and science to support such a position?
The sickest aspect of all this though is the desire many of those on the Left to push this garbage onto children. Here’s a great idea, let’s fill impressionable young children’s minds with this trans garbage and see how many we can convince to transition!
According to data collected by Komodo Health and analyzed by Reuters, a total of 121,882 new diagnoses of gender dysphoria were added for patients ages six to 17 between 2017 and 2021. The rate of diagnosis increased by 20 percent each year between 2017 and 2020, and then shot up 70 percent between 2020 and 2021—the year kids were home due to COVID-19 lockdowns, when they spent much more time on their phones and social media.
These are real numbers that tell a real story. As the head of Boston Children’s Gender Clinic confirms for us, they are handing out puberty blockers “like candy.”
Furthermore, when it comes to so-called “gender affirming care”, why support non medically necessary care on something that is not based in reality or actual fact (as you see it) such as gender?