Why do we need Congress with executive orders?

first what? (I wouldn’t put it past him)

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And it affects you how?

How does my post affect you?

Don’t want to participate? Move on.

It affects all of us because we have a President that clearly won’t hold China accountable for their role in the pandemic, and we won’t be shifting enough critical industries out of that nation for the next pandemic they cause.


No delegated power for it. Arbitrary government is always bad.

But I expect nothing better. The ChiComs have paid well for many politicians in DC and Biden is one of theirs.


“I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus,” Joe Biden to George Stephanopoulos


A gridlocked congress is a good thing.
It means that both sides have to give a little.
You are making excuses for bad behavior and an unwillingness to come to the middle.
Since nancy and harry congress has learned lets just hold out until we get in power and we will change the rules and get what we want… Since these two deemed bills passed and started the end of the filibuster no one has had to work together.
Want to make congress work together end the partisan rule changes. .
I did not cheer trump going around congress to get money for the wall.
But I remember well the tricks and rule changes that were used to pass the ACA. I remember well harry getting rid of the filibuster to ram his judges through.
There is a reason all these rules have been in place for years.
But too many people just want their way no matter how it gets done when their band of idiots are in charge. But they are the first ones to whine and cry when they are in the minority and the same rules are used against them.

Nope read the post I have always been against EO’s not everyone are party hacks or loyalists.

People are ignoring the big picture of what happens if somebody truly hideous gets this power, I’m not talking about a clueless person like trump but someone truly malicious with all the power of a king.

Or a far left puppet. Whoops…


The Founding Fathers intended that the Legislative Branch of Government to be the most powerful Branch of Government. I don’t really like executive orders, and I
believe that Congress has passed unnecessary bad laws over the years that have given the President too much power. One is these laws that has been passed by Congress was the National Emergencies Act back in 1976. That was the law that Trump used to go around Congress to use the power of the purse to build his wall. But now we have Senator Schumer suggesting that Biden as President should use the National Emergencies Act to declare climate change a national emergency. Link
What will Republicans do if President Biden or Harris declares climate change a national emergency?? Most Republicans cheered Trump on when he declared a national emergency and used that law to fund the building of his wall. But these same Republicans wouldn’t be cool with climate change being declared a national emergency. The National Emergencies Act should have been repealed by Congress several years ago since it gives the President too much power and is a very bad law.


yes. He re-doing what trump had reversed from the Obama Administration. I’m OK with that.

One week. Took one week.


What are you thoughts on rescinding the executive order that lowered the prices of insulin and epipens?


Is it frustrating that none of your usual out of power excuses just will not gain steam? Keep in mind that if it wasn’t for the Capitol thing, if you hadn’t cheered as Trump went so far, they would all be working like normal.

Oh and you’d have the Senate still and Trump would currently be tweeting what you say about issue X.


Already did.

Good post, as usual Chris.

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Yes. I can just assume Axxowiz is applauding Biden.

No I am not applauding any of them. I didn’t approve of them back when George Bush jr abused them. To reiterate I got into politics towards the end of college with Ron Paul mainly because of the financial crisis, before then I never paid much attention to politics. I have always been against presidents doing broad changes without going through congress.

I am fine with small EO’s obviously but at least since Bush Junior when I started paying attention to politics they seem to be getting more brazen and bigger. At this point who needs congress just get rid of them and declare a dictatorship.

I have a hard time buying this is what the founders had in mind writing the constitution. With a stroke of a pin legalize millions, change sports forever, build a massive wall etc etc.

What happens when a character like Sanders or further to the left wins or perhaps a far right person like Jörg Haider of the Austrian FPO? As polarizing as things are it’s not far off to think one of these ideologies finds their way into power in the near future it would be nice having checks in place instead of an ideology a pin and paper to rule.

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They did. George Washington signed the first executive order a month into his first term.

im laughing at how teh right suddenly hates eo’s

tough ■■■■■

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