Why do we need a Supreme Court?

There is absolutely no need for a SCOTUS when we have dear leader in the WH to over rule them whenever they get it wrong!


The administration is using a different part of the law.

It is more ponderous than the original blanket dispersement of debt…. But it isn’t using the HEROES act which was the problem with the first attempt.


There is no question that not only is Biden the worst POTUS in our history, ignoring the SCOTUS, out of control spending, driving the US dollar to no longer be the world’s gold standard all while his intentional allowing of the invasion of our southern border. Biden will go down in history as a traitor to his country…PERIOD!


He might even try to overturn the election that he knew that he lost.


^^^^^^^ another sheople regurgibleating the nonsense they were fed ^^^^^^^^^

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Nah man… it happened.

We all saw it.

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You saw what you were fed and have regurgibleated the Pelosi nonsense for years.

Biden will be seen as a middling President.

Hopefully not in the ranks of a Pierce or Hayes… but maybe in the Garfield,Taft range.

and his followers will be seen as the uninformed, easily manipulated Brandonites that they are. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Donald J Trump and his attempt to overturn the election that he knew that he had lost will forever put him at the bottom of the list.

The current victim narrative will fade with time and he will be remembered poorly.

Libs have hated the Supreme Court ever since they accused them of giving Bush the White House.

It’s been on their hit list for decades now.


Another day another outrage in Hannity land.


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The hole of stupid is bottomless. :wink:


It’s a problem. In a republic.

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Since at least the 1930s.

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Wild stuff.

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I remember when George W. Bush was the worst president in US history. And then Barack Obama literally destroyed America. And then the Trump administration was an authoritarian Fourth Reich. And now somehow Biden is worse than all of them.



What makes this fact even worse is that so many of my fellow Americans “no comprende”.

And so dramatic. And a near exact copy of the crap being said about Obama.

Yeah it’s your discernment that leads you to ignore the low unemployment rate, the stable gdp, the growing wages, etc.

It’s just everything is the worst maaannn :joy: because a dem is in power

My favorite is that you sound just like some on the left during the Trump admin.

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