Why do we need a Supreme Court?

A bit before my time. lol

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In July of 2021, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said President Joe Biden does not have the executive authority to issue ā€œdebt forgiveness,ā€ arguing that such action would be illegal and that it has ā€œto be an act of Congress.ā€

The save democracy party ladies and gentlemen


Yeah, but they still have to make on-time payments for 5 to 25 years (depending on the program) work for specific types of charitable organizations or government agencies, or be a teacher in a public school in a low-income area, have one of four loan types or be able to consolidate all your loans into one of those types and claim the loan forgiveness as taxable income.

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Under those conditions, Iā€™m pretty much good with it. But it needs to be voted on.

All of the loan relief programs that have been implemented are based on laws different than the Heroes act.

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Iā€™m still waiting on Obamaā€™s personal army to happen. Honestly, it sounded pretty awesome.

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Take a look at the democrat-controlled DOJ.

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Did you post this same message in 2006, 2010, and 2014? I bet you did. :wink:

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And what I posted what a summary of the changes made to those laws, minus the deadline changed for refinancing the loans and how payment toward one program now counts toward the repayment time of another.

They have also gone into other pieces of legislation to dispurse loans.

Like the SAVE planā€¦ if you can show that you have been paying for ten years and the amount that you owe has still gone upā€¦ which is just wildā€¦ you can get your loan forgiven.

Or if you took out a loan and the college went out of buainessā€¦. That loan gets forgiven

Helping out the average person for once.

I donā€™t care for Trump whatsoever. But another four years of Trump is far less dangerous to the nation than a Democrat administration with four more years to entrench unelected, unfettered progressives in every government bureaucracy for decades.

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The average person does not attend college and they certainly donā€™t take out loans then cry about paying them back.

Maybe youā€™re thinking about the average NYer.


I understand that you have a preference, just like almost everyone else does. But half the country disagrees with you and thinks another Trump administration would be more dangerous. Iā€™m not arrogant enough to say definitively which side is correct. But regardless of the outcome of the next election, there will be another Democratic administration in the future, and the country will probably survive it.

My phone preference is sanity. Thereā€™s none of that in our political class, so weā€™re effectively forced to vote against, rather than vote for.

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But. this is just robot media programming