Why do the “polls” show Biden is more trusted than Trump regarding COVID-19?

Frankly, who gives a damn about where the virus originated?? What possible advantage does that give us in finding a vaccine? We already know the genome of the virus - it’s up to the scientists to find a way to deal with it now. Why focus on something so inane as where the virus happened to originate?

Hard to restock while you’re also cutting funding. So there’s that.

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Because shifting blame solves everything. Obviously.

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How are you going to create an unbiased media? Such a thing has never existed.

Nice conspiracy theory. No body except a few tankies on the fringe want a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government. Don’t you want people to take you seriously?

The polls were wrong in 2016 and this simply because some journalists are in a bubble. Also the fact that you had Nancy Pelosi breaking her owns state/City rules of Covid how could Biden trusted at all?

Its not a first time that you would see a democrat breaking their own covid state/city rules.

Actually, the polls were fairly accurate. They predicted a slight win in the popular vote for Hillary, and that’s exactly what happened.

It just so happened that the geographic distribution of those votes happened in a way that gave the Electoral College victory to Trump.

Because The Prez was branded a Xenophobe for halting travel from China and Europe? ‘Ol Joe keeps criticism of the “handling” but other than “we have to beat the virus then fix the economy” rhetoric, what’s his plan? Did the Wuhan virus come with a blueprint or manual the Democrats got with a way to handle COVID-19 correctly?

And your magic wand is?

Seems to me, under Trump’s “warp speed” project we are getting a vaccine in record time ___ 8 months as opposed to two years.

Does he get credit?


Another media myth. UK has more deaths in proportion to population than the US.

Lousy commies…

Remember what their initial strategy was going into it?

Oh but we are now told that Biden’s saying Trump was hysterical and xenophobic had nothing to do with restrictions placed on China. It was just coincidence that he said that the very next day after Trump had announced the travel restrictions, which were still controversial at the time.

So…the UK is now the worst response in the Western World, not the US?

Come now, Nancy Pelosi personifies the ruling class in a Cuban Style socialist government.

Do as I say but not as I do:


Try paying attention to what is happening around you!


They are neither “liberals” nor “progressives”. They are conniving Marxist/Communist/Socialist parasites who use government force to steal and then enjoy the property which labor, business and investors have worked to create.

So many Americans are just so ungrateful.

They don’t realize how lucky they are Donald Trump sacrificed his wealth and personal life to become our President. There should be a lot more gratitude.

Fortunately I know how lucky I am because President Trump told us we’re so lucky to have him.

And he always tells the truth.

Yeah. They were going to let it run it’s course until they realized the massive death toll and the Prime Minister almost dying from it.

We did a different strategy.

We started out doing the right thing, but then it came to pass that we have zero impulse control so we started to switch over to the model where a lot more people die

Yeah…darn that Cuomo.

Yeah. He did seriously screw up the beginning of it and the nursing home thing is inexcusable and borderline criminal.

I have no problem holding him to account for his mishandling

Why does the President get a pass?

That and our resurgent “Federalism to a Fault” attitude doomed us as well.

Imagine had we had this attitude in World War II?

(The Union did have this attitude at the start of the Civil War…hence why the Union performed so badly at the beginning of it).

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  1. I already condemned this in the thread on it.
  2. This has absolutely nothing to do with Cuba or socialism considering its happening in the USA and paying a private business to do your hair isn’t remotely socialist. Using your status to get what you want happens in this country all the time.

How are you going to create an unbiased media? Such a thing has never existed.

No, they aren’t. Your understanding of what liberals, progressives, Marxists, Communists, Socialists, and Democrats believe and support is completely wrong.