Why Do Republicans Oppose Updating the Voting Rights Act?

“Expand voters rights” to what? Who can’t vote?

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No. Politics is never racial. If whatever race starts voting republican, rich white republicans will send their limousines to pick them up to take them to the polls.

Nobody cares about race. Everybody cares about power.

The Who? Felons (who overwhelmingly, by percentage of population, are AA or Latino)

However there is also the where and when. Where people can vote and when they can do it.

It figures that Dems want Felons to vote. I knew it was all about gaining political power.

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You obviously didn’t think before you typed. Before VRA a specific race had restrictions on voting. Sure those restrictions equaled power… but the result was a specific race was limited. If it wasn’t about race, those same restrictions would have been placed on poor whites. It wasn’t.

Next you are going to tell me the civil war wasn’t about keeping a specific race in shackles.

Now you have a point of discussion. I am ready when you are. But that is not what he is whining about. And if you are going to claim disproportionality in prisons because of race, I am going to argue proportional to crimes committed. And win.

Where and when are logistics issues with one set of rules. Are you under the impression that because you are of a certain race you have the right to vote wherever it is convenient for you? Or more convenient than for me?

Are black people as a group handicapped?

What restrictions? Specifically?

Am I? Strange.

I have no problem with felons voting, after they have paid their debt 100%. They should also have their right to keep and bear arms restored.


So is your argument that discrimination that falls disproportionately on people of color does not have a racial element? Or is that you are fine with discrimination?

The bill we are talking about has nothing to do with felons.

Documented above, but you appear to be too busy typing to read the thread.

I think what people are asking, sorry if it was already answered trying to catch up what law is it that is keeping people of color to vote?

For the record I am white, my registered voting destination is 10 miles from my house, and for the last few years I have been using in mail in ballots.

We don’t, we believe voting should be made easier not harder.

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Violent crimes, maybe. But not non-violent.

Studies show that predominantly black communities have less access to voting than predominantly white.

What do you mean by this?

Let me know when you can kill with a vote.

Why shouldn’t it be more convenient for EVERYONE?

My question is why don’t repubs want to make voting as easy as possible?

I am not sure what is making it more difficult to vote because of skin color? I am white full disclosure, my polling station is pretty far away as I live right outside of a major city and is around 10 miles away. 17 miles once I am at work which means I need to go either at lunch or after work to vote. I have to go through the nightmare like everyone else called the DMV and get and Identification made, which I just noticed a few weeks ago since that my license is expiring next month :disappointed:.

One of the things that helped me tremendously was mail in ballots, is this not available to minorities? What is it exactly that needs changed? I am still missing that part of the discussion just that republicans want to make it harder.

Johnson was very much a states rights POTUS. The former confederate states were basically given carte blanche to govern how they wanted. Creating precursors of Jim Crow laws. There was push back,(impeachment) but it failed.

And the south did rise again.

Should we make it harder, or easier for American citizens to vote?