Why do people want to leave countries that have no racism and go to countries that have systemic racism?

No, they don’t.

Either everyone has a responsibility to do it or no one does.

Can’t just single white folks for needing to have “special” understanding about race and racism.

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What does that mean?

Omg :rofl:


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Sorry but i have to call bull feathers on that one. The most racist should work on some things but not the least racist.

I just size people up as individuals instead of race myself. It works for me.

I dunno if whites are the least racist group out of everyone, but black people are certainly more openly racist against whites than whites are openly racist against blacks. At least from what I’ve seen in my personal experience working in public retail for the last 9 years.

In private, in my personal experience, it’s about the same.

The US government isn’t

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What’s amazing about it? Wouldn’t you teach your child that white people are racists out to get them? That our society is systemically racist and that white people are to blame?

They are not only flocking here but bringing a lot of covid infection with them according to reports.

Of course a “true” conservative would have no problem with that. :crazy_face:

If every black person was a raging racist. All 13% were Black KKK members…

How would they be able to use that racism to oppress and gain power? What would change?

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You must be a conservative!

But not a “true” one. :wink:

I agree that everyone has a responsibility to learn and grow. I believe white people, as a whole, have a greater responsibility. That’s based on history, culture, and the current power structure in America.

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Racism is racism, my friend. The power imbalance or lack thereof doesn’t matter in the context of what Zan was talking about.

If we want to discuss systematic oppression, then that is a different story.

The majority of racism that anyone experiences is the personal kind.

That US government is.

The OP made it a macro problem, so that’s what I did.

I don’t believe that they do.

Yes, American history is complicated when it comes to the plight of black America.

But all of this is racial politics being discussed by political or cultural junkies. For the average person, they don’t care about it. And why should they? It doesn’t put food on their table. It doesn’t pay their house note or rent.

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Speak for yourself. I have nothing I need to change. I don’t look a skin color as a factor. There is nothing you or anyone else can tell me that I don’t already know. I need to change nothing about myself what so ever.

What do you need to fix about yourself?

That’s actually true. You can acknowledge that truth and not feel persecuted by it.

Last I checked the same US government that existed in 1865 exists today.