Why do people want to leave countries that have no racism and go to countries that have systemic racism?


“White people as a whole” being one of the “others”.

But as a white man, I understand that is an unfair accusation. Yet, I can recognize why someone might feel that way.

Doesn’t matter what you recognize, calling someone a racist is attacking them on the basis of their race. Even if they are a racist. People aren’t racist to their own race.

Both true statements. I’d argue more work needs to be done by white people. Simply teaching something is wrong isn’t enough.



Seems a bit odd to fight racism by concentrating on the least racist group to me.

Why? People should not assume. If I say something derogatory to an individual person who happens to be white because they are an awful person, no one will bat an eye. If I say something derogatory to and individual black person because they happen to be an awful person, some people will automatically assume I am a racist.


Why do you think whites are the least racist group?


Polling. Also common sense.

Why do you think they are not?

That is unfair, but it’s a perception based on the history of racism in this country. What it takes to move past that falls on the shoulders of everyone. I’m arguing that white people, as a whole, have a greater responsibility to acknowledge, educate, and grow when it comes to race and racism in this county.

You are arguing in favor of what you acknowledge is “unfair”.

And ignoring part of the history, the more recent part, of racism in this country.

What part is that?

I don’t understand what you mean.

That of racism against white people. Against Asians.

That’s a very good observation. From my experience, even living in North East Jersey, that’s very common. ALL people generally feel more comfortable with people of their own race, and congregate as such. In that sense we are truly a melting pot.

Someone has to be punished for the “great sin.”
Perpetrators all dead? Just grab up their descendants.

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White people aren’t teaching their children that people of a specific race are holding them back, other races are. Black people themselves say blacks are the most racist group in America in polling.