Why Do Democrat Politicians Prefer To Spend Other Peoples Money?

isn’t Trump spending a trillion + deficit every year he has been in office.

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Those Democratix politicians…the shame

Wait who are we talking about again?

Because they can’t make money of their own with honest work?

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I challenge EVERY RIGHT WINGER HERE AT HANNITY.COM to name ONE, just ONE Republican, in this Congress, or the last 10 Congressional sessions before this one, that HAS NEVER, EVER, voted to spend “OTHER PEOPLES MONEY”.

If you can find one, then that Republican we can truly say is not of the same ilk as his Democratic compatriots, who so very much prefer, like their Republican compatriots, to spend other peoples money.

Now no quibbling, no ‘well they didn’t vote to spend as much’, nope, or ‘they only voted for essential spending’, nope, none of that will fly.

it will be refreshing to see all of these “R” Congress Critters whose names get posted in response to this one.

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You talking R’s or D’s or the occasional I’s or all of the above?

Why do Democrats prefer to spend other peoples money?

Because slavery is illegal thanks to the Republicans and taking your hard earned money through taxes is the next best thing to them.

Republicans don’t?

Republicans don’t ever spend other people’s money? :joy::joy::joy:

You’re just mad because Republicans ended slavery.

With the deficit spending last term, it appears that Republicans also prefer to spend other people’s money. There is just a disagreement on what to spend that money on.

Defense industry or social programs.

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Deflection detection

You wish, some Democrats are all about slavery by taxation!

Why Do Democrat Politicians Prefer To Spend Other Peoples Money?

Why do dogs bark?
Why do snakes crawl on their bellies?
Because that’s what they do.

You do not know what slavery is.

You’re only saying that because you support slavery by taxation obviously.

I don’t twist ideas because my arguments are unpopular.

No twist, just a perspective that makes supporting more taxes as supporting slavery.

Yes, I see that it makes your argument different, but it’s stupid.

Taxes do not equal slavery. You get something back for the taxes paid, or you can move to places where the taxes are low/ no tax.

Slavery is you being controlled without any ability to change the situation. You are a slave and that’s it.

They’re not the same!

So dems want to tax to pay for current spending and conservatives consider that slavery…

Conservatives want to have furture generations pay for current spending and they consider that moral…

This is why conservatives should be ridiculed…

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Why do republicans want to take money from the working class and give it to the 1%?