Why do black voters dislike progressives?

As a movement, as biologically impractical, as a culture?

I would have never guessed that in a million years.


Straight people can enjoy that too

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I was actually going for that joke a bit. But also, I meant it as in “not a surprise”.

cmon now go easy on him theres a chance something meaningful will be posted.

Yes, but homophobic or socially conservative?

I got it. I just picked up where you left off lol

Anymore insights? Obama phones? Plantation references?


It is disgusting.

In males.

We agree again :joy:


Formal education. Prolly not.

But knowing stuff. That’s my forte.

I don’t know everything (see The latest SCOTUS thread lol)

But I know more than the average Schmoe.


Is the plantation reference offensive to you?

I hate to be the one to break it to you, Allan, but…

ha! I think that’s homophobic. and homopleasing if in males only?

Ok that was bad. I am gonna have to come back with a better retort

nah i dont see trump making policy supporting broken homes, unwed mothers, destruction of inner cities and government dependence like democrats do as central to their platform everytime

say what’s that black unemployment level down to these days anyway?

I don’t care for it in a specific context. But I wouldn’t say I am offended. Like if someone said it to me on the street I’d chuckle and walk by.

Please do.

I thought obama was a socialist Kenyan communist. How much farther left can you get

In the context of voting 90% democrat?

put yall back in chains?