Why do black voters dislike progressives?

No flame intended, if we look at 2016 Bernie a progressive did good in Iowa and New Hampshire and as soon as the election went to the south he got thoroughly crushed in each state until it left the southern states. I was noticing the polls in the first three states which as of now Iowa could be a toss up between Mayor Pete and Warren. Biden was all the way in 4th place in the next state New Hampshire, all pretty white in terms of demographics.

Then as soon as is goes to South Carolina
Among white voters, Biden has 22 percent, while Warren receives 17 percent, with Sanders and Buttigieg each at 11 percent - fairly spread out.

Then this - Black voters Biden 44 percent, Sanders gets 10 percent, Warren has 8 percent, and Buttigieg receives less than one percent among black voters.

And it’s like this among all black voters that has been polled, if Biden can just make it to South Carolina it looks like he has it as he has the black vote wrapped up. Why is that? We can’t just say “Oh well because he was Obama’s VP” that might have something to do with it, but that wouldn’t explain why the exact same thing happened with Hillary and Bernie in 2016.

Disclaimer: I am not a racist, just curious.

The African American community is largely religious and conservative.


This has almost everything to do with it.

Why do black voters dislike progressives?

Because they’re smart.


And they vote about 90% Democrat. Thanks!


Interesting observation. One that some of us noticed.

I have my theories…but every time I tried to express them I get shut down with racist accusations. I believe the left are scared of it’s answer.

Prop 8

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They don’t vote progressive. You’re welcome!

Keep sliding to the left.


This is really a much better question than the plantation garbage.

There is something Buttigieg they don’t like and it’s not that he is white or progressive. And he is a lot less progressive than Warren and Sanders.

Okay. I guess we can stop with the crazy claims that Hillary and Obama were crazy left wing progressives(they weren’t, they were middle of the road Democrats). Wouldn’t know that from Fox News and talk radio.

Group Homophobia?

Keep slidin’ to the left…

I just want to get this straight. Democrats keep sliding to the left, black voters don’t like progressives, but black voters still vote 90% Democrat.


Keep slidin’ to the left. And take them for granted…

Because the black community is pretty socially conservative on a lot of issues. That’s the actual answer.


I’ve noticed the majority in the black community to be far left. But maybe that is my generation. That said, I see a lot of Black people here at my university, which is a Christian university. The left has basically rejected Christianity, and some reject religion altogether.

Social conservatism

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Voice of Black America.

This is of course not data of any kind but i am surrounded by pretty socially conservative people who reject religion en masse. But that’s just an anecdote.

Why not Kamala then?